

字词 地主




Marx, K. & F. Engel. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 35) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1996: 447.


地主是在社会处于封建特征时期,具备土地作为产业资本的一个阶级的人的简称。在东方和西方社会,有着不同的概念。西方学指的是农场主,是指在西方农场化管理下具备土地作为产业资本的人;东方学说中古代未有这个名词,近代引进这个称呼后,泛指家庭拥有土地,其成员不参加劳动的人。封建社会的中国,地主阶级是地主制经济下的主要剥削阶级,也是封建社会主要的统治阶级。它具有按封建等级制度划分的阶层,根据级别之类的划分。从大地主下划到小地主,最后划到级别最低的农民手里。低级别的向上级定期交税。没土地的雇佣农工直接受地主使唤,为他们干活。马克思主义指出,在奴隶制向封建社会过渡后,地主作为新兴统治阶级,起到了推进历史发展的作用。地主与宗法制度联系在一起,与奴隶制度相比,重点强调了道德的重要性。这时候,在东方和西方就发生了截然不同的两个封建社会特征。西方封建社会强调神学,不强调人的重要性,导致了剥夺人性的暴力封建,没起到推进生产力发展的作用,很快被推翻。而在中国,地主起到了维护道德体系的作用,许多地主同时为宗族领袖。1950年6月30日开始,中国开始了全国范围的农村阶级成分的划分。即根据当时中国的土改现状和需要,将农村阶级划分成了地主、富农、中农、贫农、工人。土改、文革期间,地主们被纷纷打倒,土地也被没收,改革开放后,地主们平反,但土地已经全面收归农民集体所有(via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=KMSLtlkc0ar9Th1TN52IXcSBzDQ4QIxbMoToaYxIl5jMpluNxCsDxZmI8DTt2hAES55EafepTYR47bUNkzUNbq - 3)。


via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=KMSLtlkc0ar9Th1TN52IXcSBzDQ4QIxbMoToaYxIl5jMpluNxCsDxZmI8DTt2hAES55EafepTYR47bUNkzUNbq - 3


1. 马克思说:“这不是个人和个人的关系,而是工人和资本家,农民和地主的关系。抹杀这些社会关系,那就是消灭整个社会,而你的普罗米修斯也就变成了一个没有手脚的怪影……”——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:103

1. “These relations,” Marx states, “are not those between one individual and another, but between worker and capitalist, tenant and landlord, etc. Eliminate these relations and you abolish the whole of society; your Prometheus will then be nothing more than a spectre without arms or legs...” -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectic, 1968: 50.

2. 为了避免可能产生的误解,要说明一下。我决不用玫瑰色描绘资本家和地主的面貌。不过这里涉及到的人,只是经济范畴的人格化,是一定的阶级关系和利益的承担者。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十三卷)》,1972:12

2. To prevent possible misunderstanding, a word. I paint the capitalist and the landlord in no sense couleur de rose. But here individuals are dealt with only in so far as they are the personifications of economic categories, embodiments of particular class relations and class interests. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 35), 1996: 10.

3. 爱尔兰直到目前还在经历着这个过程,那里的人口从1845年以来几乎减少了一半,并且还在继续减少,以达到同爱尔兰大地主和英格兰毛纺织厂主先生们的需要恰好相适应的那个程度。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十三卷)》,1972:486

3. Ireland, having during the last twenty years reduced its population by nearly one half, is at this moment undergoing the process of still further reducing the number of its inhabitants, so as exactly to suit the requirements of its landlords and of the English woollen manufacturers. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 35), 1996: 447.


例句 1:
Achieving the goal “land to the tille” need a completely land program, must abolish the feudal land ownership and eliminate the landlord class.

例句 2:
To judge this needs to know his life experiences firstly and then have a clear definition of the standards of landlord class, the westernization group, early bourgeoisie reformists. Finally, a detailed analysis is needed to do with “The Protest of Jiaobinlu Kangyi” in terms of economy, politics, and military. 

例句 3:
Based mainly on the Confucianism, and comprising the thoughts of all schools of the pre-Qing dynasty, Lu Gu in the early Han dynasty formed an ideology which opposed, succeeded and changed that of Qing dynasty.





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