

字词 国际共产主义运动


international communist movement


Zhang Yibing. A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek [M]. Berlin: Canut International Publishers, 2011: 362.


国际共产主义运动(international communist movement),简称“国际共运”,是指在世界各国开展的共产主义运动,其目的是为了推翻剥削阶级的社会建立起人人平等的社会主义,进而实现共产主义。以1847年6月2日世界上第一个共产主义政党共产主义者同盟的建立为开端,国际共产主义运动迄今已经历了一个半世纪。国际共产主义运动的发展呈现出由空想到科学、由理论到实践,由理想变成现实,由一国胜利到多国胜利的发展规律,同时也出现了曲折(《国际共产主义运动》,via: http://baike.so.com/doc/2882377-3041780.html)。在理论上,共产主义是一个消除了阶级的社会,一个生产力极大发展的社会,一个物质财富和精神财富极大丰富的社会,所有的财产归全人类所有,产品各取所需,所有的人平等地享受社会经济权利,人们不再将劳动做为谋生的手段,而“劳动将成为人们的第一需要”。共产主义作为一种学说,借鉴了早期基督教思想家所创立的学说,“按劳分配”、“按需分配(按需取酬)”这些概念也或多或少来源于人类对亘古平等的记忆。马克思对共产主义学说的贡献,在于将其从空想变成了科学的平台上。这里所说的科学,就是指马克思所创立的历史唯物主义与唯物辩证法(《国际共产主义运动》,via: http://wenda.so.com/q/1363883143066302?src=140)。


[1] 国际共产主义运动.via: http://baike.so.com/doc/2882377-3041780.html
[2] 国际共产主义运动.via: http://wenda.so.com/q/1363883143066302?src=140


1. 尤其是20 世纪末期之后,全球资本主义的新进展(弹性资本主义生产方式与作为地区资本联盟的欧盟)和国际共产主义运动的低潮,以及后现代思潮的汹涌突现,特别是信息电子工业和网络社会的全新媒介掌控的霸权,使整个世界发生了空前剧烈的深刻变化,而德波对这场剧变却似乎置若罔闻,其言说听起来更像是一个隐居深山的遁世者发出的不合时宜之谈。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思主义思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:90

1. Especially after the end of the 20th century, the new advancement of global capitalism (flexible mode of capitalist production and EU as the regional ally of regional capitalists) together with the ebbing of international communist movements, and still the surging of post-modern thoughts, in particular the hegemony of brand-new media of IT industries and the internet world all contribute to the unprecedentedly drastic transformation of the world at large. But Debord seems to turn a blind eye to all this change, and talks and thinks like a recluse in the remote mountains. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 133-134.

2. 一时间,国际共产主义运动堕入全面消沉的谷底,“马克思主义死亡”的老调被再度重弹。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思主义思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:274

2. The socialist cause received another crushing blow: the international communist movement hit the bottom of an all-round depression. The cliché of “the death of Marxism” surfaced again. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 362.

3. 其实,这也是戈德曼对资本主义世界中所谓“悲剧人”存在本质的定位。上一世纪50年代中期,正值国际共产主义运动陷入悲剧性“消沉”情境的时刻,苏共“二十大”人为造就的巨大断裂使整个欧洲左派和马克思主义全面陷入理论上的精神分裂。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思主义思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:286

3. In fact, it is also Goldman’s basic positioning of the alleged “tragic man” in capitalism. The mid-1950s saw the international communist movement fall into a miserable “depression”, and the 20th Congress of the CPSU generated a great division that caused the whole European left camp and Marxism to suffer from a theoretical schizophrenia. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 377.


例句 1:
This path has not only provided a kind of development model which is different from the Western development model for the developing countries, but also a successful model which is to construct and develop socialism. This choice will make itself clear to all human kinds that Socialism is the necessary way that must be taken and that Socialism surpasses the capitalism, thus in a low ebb of the International Communist Movement the bright prospect of socialism has be exhibited.

例句 2:
Such as the basic system and important judgment of the theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the theoretical and practical basis of the theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the history and the nature of the theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the experiences and lessons of the international communist movement and the Soviet union and eastern European upheaval, the new development of the basic principle of Marxism in contemporary China.

例句 3:





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