

字词 国家制度


system of the state; political structure; political system


[1] Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 101.
[2] Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 2) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1977: 91.


国家制度又称国家体制,是确立一国阶级统治关系的基本制度。“国家制度一般都规定在各该国的宪法、法律和其他特别法中,国家的政治体制以及一切机构组织与活动的原则都是根据国家制度来规定的”(via: http://book.duxiu.com/EncyDetail.jsp?dxid=900015111881&d=89C2D3C8B04515A63F8586BEE2C8481D)。国家制度有广义与狭义之分,广义的国家制度指国体与政体的制度,即掌握政权的统治阶级集团为实现其统治目的而采取的治理方式、方法的总和,包括国家的管理形式、结构形式、选举制度、政党制度、决策制度、司法制度、官吏制度等。狭义的国家制度指有关国家本质的制度,即通常所说的国体,即各阶级在国家中的地位,反映国家的本质,国家的阶级属性(王建民等,1991:319)。国家制度随着国家的产生而形成,历史上的国家制度主要有:奴隶制国家制度、封建制国家制度、资本主义国家制度和社会主义国家制度四种类型。国家制度属于政治上层建筑,它的核心问题是国家政权。西方国家通常不使用“国家制度”这一概念,而使用“政治制度”一词来代替。他们只谈国家形式,避谈国家的阶级属性,把他们实际政治生活中反映其国家阶级属性的制度也称为政治制度,以组织形式掩盖其阶级实质。(via: http://book.duxiu.com/EncyDetail.jsp?dxid=900006236108&d=88369C900D1A0574F183DC7BB7D097AA)。我国是人民民主专政的社会主义国家,在国家的组织形式和管理形式上实行人民代表大会制度、共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度以及民族区域自治制度。


[1] 国家制度.via: http://book.duxiu.com/EncyDetail.jsp?dxid=900015111881&d=89C2D3C8B04515A63F8586BEE2C8481D
[2] 王建民等,政治工作大词典[Z].军事科学出版社,1991.
[3] 国家制度.via: http://book.duxiu.com/EncyDetail.jsp?dxid=900006236108&d=88369C900D1A0574F183DC7BB7D097AA


1. 国家治理体系是在党领导下管理国家的制度体系,包括经济、政治、文化、社会、生态文明和党的建设等各领域体制机制、法律法规安排,也就是一整套紧密相连、相互协调的国家制度;国家治理能力则是运用国家制度管理社会各方面事务的能力,包括改革发展稳定、内政外交国防、治党治国治军等各个方面。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:91

1. Our national governance system is a system of institutions within which the country is governed with the leadership of the Party. It comprises economic, political, cultural, social and ecological as well as Party-building systems and mechanisms, laws and regulations. This is a complete set of closely connected and coordinated systems of the state. Our national governance capacity is the ability to use these systems to manage social affairs, including reform, development and stability, domestic and foreign affairs, national defense, and the running of the Party, state and military. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 101.

2. 内务部通过秘密办法获得了莫斯科某星期日学校公开讲课大纲,其内容如下:‘社会起源。原始社会。社会组织的发展。国家和为什么需要国家。秩序。自由。正义。国家制度形式。——《列宁全集(第二卷)》,1984:67

2. The Ministry of Internal Affairs is in possession of a programme, privately received, for public lectures in a Moscow Sunday school on the following points: ‘The origin of society. Primitive society. The development of social organisation. The state and what it is needed for. Order. Liberty. Justice. Forms of political structure. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 2), 1977: 91.

3. 大臣们讲了事件的真实情况以后,接着就捏造借口,在自己的公告中硬说罢工只是“棉纺生产和纱线生产的特点”引起的。原来如此!难道不是整个俄国生产的特点,不是纵容警察对保卫自己免受压迫的和平工人进行迫害和逮捕的俄国国家制度的特点引起的吗?——《列宁全集(第二卷)》,1984:96

3. When the ministers had spoken about the events they started inventing excuses, they proceeded to assert in their statement that the strikes were only caused by “the peculiarities of cotton-spinning and thread production.” Indeed! And not by the peculiarities of the whole of Russian production, not by the peculiarities of the Russian political system, which permits the police to hound and to seize peaceful workers who are defending themselves against oppression? -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 2), 1977: 124.


例句 1:
The fourth part gives countermeasures and suggestions to the construction of China’s social security system based on the analysis of Britain’s welfare state system reform and our country’s situation. The last section is the conclusions of this paper and research.

例句 2:
The mission of state is to promise people’s freedom. Such mission determines that democracy is the essential attribute of all state systems.

例句 3:
Despite many political, economic and social factors had different influence on Chinese and Russian transitional performance, the difference of the construction strategy and evolutionary path of state institutional capacity is the key variables which decided the difference of transitional performance between China and Russia.





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