

字词 国债(又作国家公债、政府公债)


national debt; Government debt; public interest; sovereign debt


Government debt. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Government_debt






1. 但是,难道自由的报刊什么时候曾经加重过国债吗?奥尔良公爵摄政时期,约翰·罗的疯狂的证券投机使整个法国处于混乱状态;那时有谁曾经起来同这一荒诞的金融投机狂飚时期相对抗呢?只有几个讽刺作家。当然,他们获得的报偿并不是银行的钞票,而是巴士底狱的入狱证。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第一卷上册)》,1960:152

1. But has a free press ever increased national debts? When, under the regency of the Duke of Orleans, the whole of France plunged into Law's financial lunacies, who opposed this fantastic storm and stress period of money speculations except for a few satirists, who of course received not banknotes but notes sending them to the Bastille. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 1), 1975: 142.

2. 这一时期还有这样一些特征:禁止金银外运的法令废除了,货币贸易、银行、国债和纸币产生了,股票投机、有价证券投机和各方面的投机倒把等现象出现了。这个时期的一般特点是货币制度的发达。资本又有很大一部分丧失了它原来还带有的那种原始的自然的性质。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷)》,1956:67

2. This period is also characterised by the cessation of the bans on the export of gold and silver and the beginning of money trade, banks, national debts, paper money, speculation in stocks and shares, stockjobbing in all articles and the development of finance in general. Again capital lost a great part of the natural character which had still clung to it. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5), 1975: 72.

3. 在这里,大部分国家证券不是用来进行投机活动,而是为了可靠地存放资本,保证证券占有者的固定收入。只有极少一部分证券投入交易所买卖。几乎全部国债都在小食利者、孤儿寡妇、监护院等等手里。如果证券的行情由于国家信用降低而下跌,这将使这些国家债权人更加有理由不出卖他们的证券。利息只够他们糊口,要他们以相当大的牺牲出卖他们的证券,他们就会破产。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第五卷)》,1958:248

3. Here most government securities are not used for speculation but for the safe investment of capital and to secure a fixed rent. Only a disproportionately small part reaches the stock exchanges and is traded. Almost the entire national debt is in the hands of small pensioners, widows and orphans, boards of guardians, etc. A fall of the exchange quotations due to the decrease of the state credit is an additional reason for this type of state creditors not to sell their stocks. The interest is just enough for them to get by. If they sell these stocks at a heavy loss, they are ruined. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 7), 1977: 224.


例句 1:
This article uses the Chinese macroeconomic data from 1994 to 2015, using SVAR model to empirically research the short and long term dynamic effect between national debt and economic growth in Chinese transition time. The analysis results show that in short-term treasury bonds can improve the economy in our country, but in the long term continuous expansion of China’s government debt will hinder the stable and healthy development of the economy.

例句 2:
In responding to the international financial crisis, China implemented a new package of pro-active fiscal policies, which led to high financial deficit, continuous increasing scale of national debt and impending financial risk.

例句 3:
In order to deal with the short-falls of current replacement, this paper suggests learning from two replacements of national economic debt by issuing special national bonds





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