

字词 囚徒困境


prisoner’s dilemma


prisoner’s dilemma.via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prisoner%27s_dilemma


囚徒困境是20世纪50年代美国兰德公司提出的博弈论模型。简单概述是被抓捕的囚犯之间的一种特殊博弈,反映了个体利益最佳选择并非团体最佳选择(刚雪印,2014:167)。“囚徒困境”是美国梅里尔·弗勒德(Merrill Flood)和梅尔文·德雷希尔(Melvin Dresher)拟定出相关困境的理论,后来由顾问艾伯特·塔克(Albert Tucker)以囚徒方式阐述,并命名为“囚徒困境”。两个共谋犯罪的人被关入监狱,不能互相沟通情况。如果两个人都不揭发对方,则由于证据不确定,每个人都坐牢一年;若一人揭发,而另一人沉默,则揭发者因为立功而立即获释,沉默者因不合作而入狱五年;若互相揭发,则因证据确实,二者都判刑两年。由于囚徒无法信任对方,因此倾向于互相揭发,而不是同守沉默。囚徒困境是两个被捕的囚徒之间的一种特殊博弈,说明为什么甚至在合作对双方都有利时,保持合作也是困难的。囚徒困境是博弈论的非零和博弈中具代表性的例子,反映个人最佳选择并非团体最佳选择(囚徒困境.via:http://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%9B%9A%E5%BE%92%E5%9B%B0%E5%A2%83)。囚徒困境从本质上来说是因为不同的博弈参与者对于自己的利益的考虑,个人利益就像一只看不见的大手影响人们的最终选择(曹德志,2012:75)。虽然囚徒困境本身只属模型性质,但囚徒困境在现实生活中的案例也有很多,例如商家之间的价格竞争、广告竞争;联盟国之间的合作与背叛;环境保护;关税战等(陈建斌等,2014:142)。


[1] 刚雪印.犯罪心理档案(第三季)[M].现代出版社,2014.
[2] 囚徒困境.via:http://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%9B%9A%E5%BE%92%E5%9B%B0%E5%A2%83.
[3] 曹德志.一看就懂的博弈学全图解[M].中国工人出版社,2012.
[4] 陈建斌,郭彦丽.商务决策[M].清华大学出版社,2014.


1. 这里,部分的原因是:他写作的对象是这样一些马克思主义者,他们把对马克思的过于简单化的解释应用于历史而陷入困境,因此,他力图反驳当时非马克思主义者对这个理论的这种粗糙表述所提出的尖锐批评。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:11

1. This was partly because he was writing to Marxists who had run into difficulties by applying to history too simplistic an interpretation of Marx, and was thus trying to combat the trenchant criticisms being directed by non-Marxists at the crude version of the theory then available. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 13.

2. 马克思主义的历史观所面临的第三个困境是,它把经济因素强调为决定性因素。如果你想要找出某一个倾向于最能体现马克思主义的分析方法特征的东西,那就是(以最简化的方式来表述):经济因素是最重要的因素,其重要性超过政治、法律、宗教等一切东西。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:359

2. The third difficulty with the Marxist view of history is its emphasis on the economic as the determining factor. If you wanted to isolate something which tends to be the most typical of the Marxist method of analysis, it is (to put it in very simplistic terms) that the economic factor is the most important one; more important than politics, more important than law, more important than religion and so forth. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 373.

3. 这种工业主义完全无视这样的社会恶果:机器抢走了工人的饭碗,全面的竞争减少了各种劳动的合法利益,一泻千里的生产不仅没有给穷人带来富足生活,反而扼杀了穷人。“工业主义迈步向前,生产也继续增长,而生产者的困境也日益加剧。”西斯蒙第发问道,工业主义在“不遗余力地增加物质财富时,只是见物不见人,结果不是制造了一批穷人吗”?——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:93

3. Industrialism takes no thought for its evil consequences: the theft of workers’ jobs by machines, the weakening of the legitimate interest of labor by full-blown competition, and the inability of uncontrolled production to bring wealth to the poor. Rather, production was strangling the poor to death. Sismondi argues that “as industrialism moves inexorably forward, production continues to increase, and the plight of the producer becomes ever more grave.” In Studies on Political Economy, Sismondi questions whether or not as industrialism “exerts itself to increase material wealth, only seeing things and not people, will the result not merely be a mass of impoverished people?” -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 59-60.


例句 1:
Nowadays,Prisoner’s Dilemma is an important problem in the social and economic life. There are many similar Prisoner’s Dilemma phenomenons in the development of economic, such as overcapacity problems caused by individual disorderly competition, duplication problem, free-rider problem, see the problem is not so righteous etc.

例句 2:
How can people avoid mutual defection and obtain mutual cooperation in prisoner’s dilemma has gained attention of scholars in different fields such as economics, finance, philosophy, sociology, psychology since the prisoner^ dilemma was created in 1950s.

例句 3:
The prisoner’s dilemma is the most important in the classical game theory and economics of a classical model, Literature at home and abroad and a lot of research has made abundant achievements,but the contradiction between individual rationa





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