字词 | 动因 |
释义 | 动因【英】impetus; motive; motivation译文来源Zhang Yibing: Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 449, 586, xxxix. 定义动因即动力和原因。一般指事件的主要行为者实施行为的原始根结。在生物学领域,动因指的是动物内部产生的行为的心理倾向,即动物由于内部条件而处于某种需要或欲求状态时,驱使动物向着得到满足而恢复到正常冲动状态的方向去行动的倾向。类似的用语有动机、欲求、要求、气氛等。从目的论的角度论述行为的发生时,大部称为动机。动机在心理学上一般被认为涉及行为的发端、方向、强度和持续性,主要是指激发人的动机的心理过程。通过激发和鼓励,使人们产生一种内在驱动力,使之朝着所期望的目标前进的过程。而动因并不特指心理活动,它可以对一切发生因果效应的事物进行动因分析。在财务预算领域,动因即“驱动动因”,在标杆管理中与“标杆”一词配合使用的,指驱动某标杆的数量(via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=BY3JzhyjvONZPvvRtnFjV1RTFJ6j7VPsva5Zl5c9aBpMP1Dqu73mcVgEhkDkHoMajHnFoeNJ5IjjJX0Ok7TSAK)。 定义来源via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=BY3JzhyjvONZPvvRtnFjV1RTFJ6j7VPsva5Zl5c9aBpMP1Dqu73mcVgEhkDkHoMajHnFoeNJ5IjjJX0Ok7TSAK 例句1. 当然,马克思首先需要面对的还是资本主义社会物质生产能力极大发展的现状。这种发展的一个根本性动因是,物质生产摆脱了个人的直接需要,生产的目的从过去那种具体的物品效用变成了交换价值。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:567 1. Of course, what Marx had to face first was the present reality of the enormous increase in material productive forces of capitalist society. A fundamental impetus of this development was the departure of material production from the immediate needs of individuals, and the transformation of the goal of production from past, concrete, value-in-use to value-in-exchange. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 449. 2. 马克思进一步指出,也由于个人之间、他们的商品之间的自然差别,使人与人通过交换结合在一起,“使他们作为交换者发生他们被假定为和被证明为平等的人的那种社会关系的动因,那么除了平等的规定以外,还要加上自由的规定”。这也就意味着:尽管个人A需要个人B的商品,但他并不是用暴力去占有这个商品,反过来也一样,相反地他们互相承认对方是所有者,是把自己的意志渗透到商品中去的人。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:586 2. Marx goes on to point out that because of the natural differences between individuals and their commodities, men are united through exchange: “[natural differences] form the motive for the integration of these individuals, for their social interrelation as exchangers, in which they are stipulated for each other as, and prove themselves to be, equals, there enters, in addition to the quality of equality, that of freedom.” This means that in the process of exchange: Although individual A feels a need for the commodity of individual B, he does not appropriate it by force, nor vice versa, but rather they recognize one another reciprocally as proprietors, as persons whose will penetrates their commodities. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 464. 3. 这三个时期的共同理论目的都是对现实资本主义的批判。第一个时期,马克思是以人的社会类本质——理想化的自主性劳动活动即人类存在应有的本真状态为价值悬设,并以此认证资产阶级私有财产制的非人性,即人的劳动类本质、人与自己的劳动产品和人与人的社会关系非常性的异化与颠倒,并提出要扬弃劳动异化、消灭私有制,复归于人的本质之共产主义理想生存状态。这里的逻辑公式是:S应该是P。这是传统人学中“应该”与“是”之间的矛盾之延续,其逻辑批判的内在动因是先验的“应有”与“现有”的伦理性对立。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:22-23 3. The common theoretical goal shared by these three periods was a criticism of capitalism based on reality. In the first time frame, Marx began with man’s social species-essence—idealized autonomous labor activities—as his value postulate. Using this inherently true state under which mankind ought to exist as his standard, Marx confirms the anti-humanist nature of the capitalist system of private ownership of property. This system is man’s labor species-essence: the abnormal, alienated, inverted relationships between an individual and the product of his labor, as well as between one individual and another. Marx advocated abandoning labor alienation, destroying the system of private ownership of property, and restoring to man’s nature the ideal state of communism. Here Marx’s equation is S ought to be P. This is an extension of the contradiction between “ought” and “is” found in traditional humanism, where the internal motivation for its logical criticism is an a priori ethical antithesis between “what should be” and “what is”. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: xxxix. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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