

字词 否定之否定


negation of the negation


Negation of the Negation. via: http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Negation+of+the+Negation%2c+Law+of+the


否定之否定是德国古典哲学家黑格尔在《逻辑学》中最早明确提出来的一种辩证法理论。黑格尔以“否定之否定”描述绝对理念的辩证运动,并将其作为构造其哲学体系的基本方法。 黑格尔指出,“肯定——否定——否定之否定”的进展过程是绝对理念的运动节奏或内在形式,其中,肯定是直接性的东西,包含否定性于自身,因而从肯定中必然内在地发展出他物,这是第一个否定,是对肯定的辩证否定;否定之否定是第二个否定,是对最初的直接性的肯定经过中介的扬弃之后的进一步肯定,是新的直接性、更高一级的肯定。黑格尔认为,绝对理念的运动正是由一个否定之否定到更高一级否定之否定的前进过程。 否定之否定的进程表现为由简单、抽象到复杂、具体的圆圈式上升运动。由于辩证的否定性,后继的规定或范畴总是包含着先行的规定或范畴,后继者的丰富性具体性是对开端或先行者的潜在内容的展开和实现,因而每一次否定之否定如一圆圈,由此构成越来越大的圆圈。(蒋永福等,2000:217)否定之否定规律经历的全过程中,肯定时期的发展过程揭示出的是从本质和形式的统一到分离,否定时期的发展过程揭示出的是从形式上的肯定到彻底否定,二次肯定展示的是科学辩证法的特色。(否定之否定.via:http://book.duxiu.com/EncyDetail.jsp?dxid=900009002547&d=9EB0DA80519A221425EE4F0B7EF1A453)作为方法的否定之否定是分析和综合相统一的方法。逻辑理念从开端、展开到终点的每一个环节都既是分析的又是综合的,因而否定之否定的过程就是分析和综合统一的过程。黑格尔关于否定之否定的思想反映了客观物质世界的运动规律,黑格尔的否定之否定的思想集中于纯粹概念的运动,因而是唯心主义的。(蒋永福,2000:217)


[1] 蒋永福. 东西方哲学大辞典[Z].江西人民出版社,2000.
[2] 否定之否定.via:


1. 显然,马克思已经清楚地了解费尔巴哈与黑格尔这两种批判哲学本质的不同。费尔巴哈试图从宗教神学的彼岸世界(否定之否定)回到现实的此岸世界(直接的肯定) ,这也是从抽象的东西回到具体的感性实体(直观中的自然和实体的人)的过程。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:256

1. It is evident that Marx already understands the essential differences between the critical philosophies of Feuerbach and Hegel. Feuerbach attempts to return to this world (direct affirmation) from the other world of religious theology (negation of the negation). This is the process of returning from abstract things to concrete, sensuous substance (the direct perceived, natural, substantive man). -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the context of Economics, 2014: 193.

2. 费尔巴哈的逻辑布展是从感性直观的现实世界出发的,他的批判逻辑是从人的颠倒的虚假本质(上帝)回到人的真实本质(类关系)。这是将黑格尔颠倒的观念现象学逻辑重新 颠倒过来的人学现象学。而黑格尔的批判则宣布现有世界的虚假性,感性确定性的直接肯定被否定地指认为虚假现象,这样,他由观念本质出发,再重新回到现实的抽象的具体——否定之否定倒成了“真正的和唯一的肯定的东西”。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:256

2. This is the process of returning from abstract things to concrete, sensuous substance (the directly perceived, natural, substantive man). Feuerbach’s logical development begins in the sensuous, perceivable world, and his critical logic returns from man’s inverted, false essence (God) to his true essence (species-relations). This is a humanist phenomenology that re-inverts Hegel’s inverted ideal phenomenological logic. Hegel’s criticism, on the other hand, emphasizes the falseness of the real world. He denies the surety of the senses as a false phenomenon; thus beginning with the ideal essence, he returns to the abstract concrete in reality. The negation of the negation becomes the “true and only positive. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the context of Economics, 2014: 193.


例句 1:
Law of the negation of negation is one of the most exceptional law in the three basic laws of materialist dialectics. There are always lots of disputes about universality and objectivity of this law.

例句 2:
In the field of theatre theory and theatre history, negation of negation means inheriting selectively and innovating.

例句 3:
While Lenin claims that the law of the unity of opposites is the essence and core of dialectics, Engels thinks that “The Negation of Negation” is the core of the whole process of development of a thing.





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