

字词 同化




[2]Assimilation.via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assimilation




[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003.
[2] 康树华,王岱,冯树梁.犯罪学大辞书[Z].甘肃人民出版社,1995.


1. 回到刚才的讨论语境,齐泽克在此用晚年拉康批评阿尔都塞,其核心用意在于否认意识形态质询对主体的完全同化,因为拉康后来放弃了主体存在被阉割的绝对空无,承认了从象征界总体性强暴中逃出的真实界剩余(拉康将其指称为对象a),可是,阿尔都塞却没有看到这种残余物的真实存在。在这里的讨论中,齐泽克将这种无法消除的剩余视为意识形态的快感。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:406

1. Zizek’s criticism of Althusser with the late Lacanian theory is meant to deny the complete assimilation of the subject by the ideological inquiry, because Lacan abandons the absolute nothingness of the castrated subject and accepts the Real surplus (objet-petit-a) which escapes the rape of the Symbolic totality. But Althusser cannot see the real existence of that surplus. In the above discussion, Zizek calls this ineradicable surplus the ideological pleasure. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 519.

2. 然而,党内采纳托洛茨基和整个左翼反对派观点的场合越来越少。使托洛茨基遭受挤压的是他那自我标榜的观点“归根结底,党总是正确的”。此外,在1920年所写的反考茨基的论战性著作《恐怖主义和共产主义》中,他实际上把公理同化为强权。托洛茨基日益孤立。尽管在1926年,他最后一搏,企图同季诺维也夫和加米涅夫一起结成一个反斯大林的联合反对派,而最终,他还是于1927年被开除出党,1928年被驱赶出莫斯科,1929年被驱逐出俄国。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:127

2. However, the views of Trotsky and the Left Opposition in general found less and less acceptance in the Party. Trotsky was hampered by his self-proclaimed view that ‘in the last instance, the party is always right, and his virtual assimilation of right to might in his anti-Kautsky polemic of 1920, Terrorism and Communism. He was increasingly isolated and, in spite of a last minute attempt by Zinoviev and Kamenev to rally a United Opposition against Stalin in 1926, Trotsky was expelled from the Party in 1927, from Moscow in 1928, and from Russia in 1929. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 136.

3. 法兰克福学派的另一个主要文化批评家是瓦尔特·本杰明(Walter Benjamin)。他同布莱希特(Brecht)关系密切,而且他的许多著作的主旨在于对布莱希特作品进行理论性的探讨。他还特地讨论了“离间效应”(alienation effect),以此向读者提供一种阅读机制,使读者有批判地与布莱希特的作品保持距离,以防止被他的作品同化。本杰明喜欢在语言中寓以深刻的意义,他的多数作品都被赋予救世之道这样的主题。对艺术批量复制所产生的社会效应,他比阿多尔诺要乐观。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:278-279

3. The other major cultural critic of the Frankfurt School was Walter Benjamin. Benjamin was closely associated with Brecht and much of Benjamin’s work consisted in a theoretical discussion of Brecht’s writing and in particular of the ‘alienation effect’ designed to prevent the assimilation of his work by providing the audience with a mechanism for critically distancing themselves from it. Benjamin was interested in the levels of meaning hidden in language, had a messianic theme to most of his writing, and was more optimistic than Adorno about the effects of the mass reproduction of art. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 293.


例句 1:
Russia, formed in modern times, is a united multi-ethnic country. While maintaining the cultural centripetal force, Russia gives lots of experience and lessons on the aspect of governing different nationalities on its territory. Whether the policy of assimilation achieves success is related to national unification and stability of the multi-ethnic country.

例句 2:
Among the 230 years of history of the United States, ethnic relations in the United States have experienced confrontation with the indigenous Indians, enslaved blacks and today's multicultural coexistence. Ethnic relations have also some adjustments. There are five stages such as ethnocide, forced assimilation, ethnic discrimination, ethnic multiculturalism and cultural conflict. In the same time the U.S. federal government has implemented its minority ethnocide forced assimilation, national isolation and multicultural policies.

例句 3:





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