

字词 古典经济学


classical economics; classical economy


Zhang Yibing. Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 33, 102.


古典经济学(classical economics),是指凯恩斯理论出现以前的经济思想主流学派,由亚当·斯密在1776年开创。主要追随者包括大卫·李嘉图、托马斯·马尔萨斯和约翰·穆勒。一般说来,该学派相信经济规律(特别如个人利益、竞争)决定着价格和要素报酬,并且相信价格体系是最好的资源配置办法。古典经济学理论产生和发展的重心主要在英国和法国。在英国,从威廉.配第(1623-1687年)开始,到大卫.李嘉图(1772-1823)结束;在法国,从布阿吉尔贝尔(1646-1714)开始,到西斯蒙第(1773-1842)结束。其中,最具有代表性的人物是英国的亚当.斯密和法国重农学派的创始人魁奈(1694-1774)(《古典经济学》,via:http://baike.so.com/doc/4849277-5066406.html)。古典经济学是指大约从1750--1875年这一段政治经济学创立时期内的除马克思主义政治经济学之外的所有的政治经济学。其起源以大卫·休谟(David Hume)的有关著作出版(1752年)为标志,以亚当·斯密(Adam Smith)的代表作《国民财富的性质和原因的研究》出版(1776年)为奠基。亚当·斯密的继承者之一是托马斯·罗伯特·马尔萨斯(Thomas Robert Malthus),他以一部被后人称为《人口论》的著作而闻名。而在亚当·斯密之后,推动古典政治经济学发展和作出主要贡献的是大卫·李嘉图(David Ricardo),他在继承斯密理论的同时,也批判了斯密的一些观点,从而形成了一种似乎不同于斯密的体系,甚至有人将此称为“李嘉图革命”。李嘉图的成功曾吸引了一批跟随者,其中有著名的詹姆斯·穆勒(James Mill)(《古典经济学》,via:http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/古典经济学)。


[1] 古典经济学.via:
[2] 古典经济学.via:


1. 就使得“甚至古典经济学的最优秀的代表,——从资产阶级的观点出发,必然是这样,——也还或多或少地被束缚在他们曾经批判地予以揭穿的假象世界里,因而,都或多或少地陷入不彻底性、半途而废和没有解决的矛盾中”。而这个社会唯物主义历史观的终结之处,却成为1845—1846年马克思创立历史唯物主义的批判性支点,又成为1857—1858年他再一次深化历史唯物主义、创立历史现象学的超越之点。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:62

1. This caused “even the best spokesmen of classical economy to remain more or less in the grip of the world of illusion which their criticism had dissolved, as cannot be otherwise from a bourgeois standpoint, and thus they all fall more or less into inconsistencies, half-truths and unsolved contradictions”. The ultimate point of this social materialist conception of history would become an important pillar in Marx’s 1845-1846 establishment of historical materialism. It would later become the mark which he surpassed in his expansion of historical materialism and establishment of historical phenomenology. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 33.

2. 所以,马克思对黑格尔唯心主义的第一次批判,的确是他哲学思想的第一个重大转变。但是,由于马克思此时还没有开始系统研究经济学,所以他还无法理解黑格尔在《法哲学原理》中对古典经济学的批判。于是,一个很深刻的问题自然无法成为马克思视域中的焦点,即剥离去唯心主义前提,黑格尔为什么用国家与法来否定性地制约和超越客观的市民社会?——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:144

2. As such, Marx’s first critique of Hegel’s idealism did indeed form the first important shift in his philosophical thinking. However, because Marx had not yet begun a systematic study of economics, he was unable to understand Hegel’s criticism of classical economics in Elements of the Philosophy of Right. Therefore, Marx was unable, after removing the premise of idealism, to address the profound question of why Hegel used State and Law to refute, control, and surpass civil society. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 102.

3. 首先是处于古典经济学起点位置的威廉·配第。以往我们都认为,配第的方法论前提是英国经验论的唯物主义哲学,他第一次运用这种方法观察社会现象,特别是运用到经济过程中来。这一点没有错。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:26

3. The first of these is William Petty, one of the founders of classical economics. In the past, it was believed that the premise of Petty’s methodology was the materialist philosophy of English empiricism. This belief was based on the fact that he was the first to use empirical methods to observe social phenomena, particularly in his observation of economic phenomena. This is all true. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 2.


例句 1:
This thesis takes some basic principles of Marxist economics, classic economics, neoclassic economics, institutional economics, and mainstream law and economics as analysing tools, explains the necessity and feasibility of economic analysis of legal system of negotiable instruments, and analyses respectively the legal system on act, rights and liabilities of negotiable instruments in economic analysis method systematically, attempts to explore the economic logic hidden in the back of them and find out those laws and regulations disconforming to economic principles in the legal system of negotiable instruments, finally takes a positive analysis on the Chinese legal system of negotiable instruments and puts forward some modification suggestions conforming to economic logic and international prevalent rules.

例句 2:
This chapter interprets political economy, neoclassical economic theory and Maxims t





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