

字词 反对派


opposition party; opposition


[1] McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. London: Macmillan Press, 1998: 108.
[2] Zhang Yibing: Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 436.


反对派是与主导地位政治集团主张对立的实体。(via: http://baike.so.com/doc/2331793-2466251.html)。在英国,17世纪末辉格党和托利党的产生以及其在英国政治舞台上的活动并没有赢得当时人们对于政党的认可,人们对政党辫多褒寡,“政党”涵义等同于“宗派”和“阴谋团体”,尤其是作为政府反对派的政党,更是声名狼藉。进入18世纪,政党的作用凸显,开始出现系统为其辩护的文字,政党开始得到肯定和认可。17世纪末18世纪初,人们对政党尤其是政府反对派厌恶强烈。他们用小写的“opposition”来称呼政府反对派,充满了赔斥之意。到了年代,首先在政府反对派中,有人著述为自己的活动辩护,探讨反对党的性质和作用。博林布鲁克是世纪第一个以党派为主题进行论述的人,作为政府反对派的一员,他发表大量文字为其所在乡村党辩护,强调了反对党在民族危亡时刻的重大作用。在其辩护过程中,他还对“宗派”与“党派”做了敏锐区分,为此后党派彻底摆脱宗派,更为独立且更具正当性地活跃在政治舞台上开辟了道路。更晚的休谟、柏克等人正是沿着博林布鲁克所开辟的这一条新路,推进了政党观念与理论的深入。渐渐地,为政府反对派辩护的理论更加明朗,甚至提出取代宫廷党上台政治的思想。这些思想的影响逐步蔓延,引起了更大范围内的关注和思考。1747年,牧师詹姆士汉姆伯顿在其《罗马英国宪政之比较》中,结合丰富史实,论述了政府反对党的长处。他被后世学者誉为是第一个对本国政党的现实作用做出超党派评价的人。(郭琼琼,2011:4-5)


郭琼琼. 18世纪英国政党思想的发展[D].西南交通大学硕士学位论文,2011.


1. 由于1918年1月解散立宪会议并开始镇压反对派,党的这种统治得以强化。革命前,列宁一直赞同召集立宪会议,而没有明显地意识到这与“一切权力归苏维埃”口号之间的必然冲突。对于一个宣称进行无产阶级社会主义革命的党来说,决定解散布尔什维克在其中只有25%表决权的立宪会议,是不可避免的。因为立宪会议中最大的党代表的是农民的利益,而会议的整个体制更适合于资产阶级民主。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:100

1. This Party domination was enhanced by the suppression of opposition, beginning with dissolution of the Constituent Assembly in January 1918. Before the revolution, Lenin had been in favour of the convocation of the Constituent Assembly, not apparently realising the inevitable clash with the slogan of ‘all power to the Soviet’. The decision to dissolve the Constituent Assembly, for which the Bolsheviks had only obtained 25 percent of the votes, was unavoidable for a party that claimed to be pursuing the proletarian socialist revolution. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 108-109.

2. 此外,在1920年所写的反考茨基的论战性著作《恐怖主义和共产主义》中,他实际上把公理同化为强权。托洛茨基日益孤立。尽管在1926年,他最后一搏,企图同季诺维也夫和加米涅夫一起结成一个反斯大林的联合反对派,而最终,他还是于 1927 年被开除出党,1928年被驱赶出莫斯科,1929年被驱逐出俄国。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:127

2. Trotsky was hampered by his self-proclaimed view that ‘in the last instance, the party is always right’, and his virtual assimilation of right to might in his anti-Kautsky polemic of 1920, Terrorism and Communism. He was increasingly isolated and, in spite of a last minute attempt by Zinoviev and Kamenev to rally a United Opposition against Stalin in 1926, Trotsky was expelled from the Party in 1927, from Moscow in 1928, and from Russia in 1929. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 136.

3. 随着政治经济学研究的深入,马克思已经充分认识到,诸如格雷、勃雷这些经济学上的“无产阶级的反对派”在理论上的最大症结在于对资本主义社会现实的批判上的非科学性。从表面上看,他们似乎在批判资本主义,并且他们确实也已经在经济学的基础上对资本主义进行了改革设计,但其实他们探索的脚步同样停留在资本主义特殊的社会现象上。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:552-553

3. As he moved deeper in his research of political economy, Marx had already begun to realize fully that the greatest theoretical shortcoming of the “proletariat opposition party” members, such as Gray and Bray, was their non-scientific critique of capitalist social reality. On the surface, these Ricardian socialists seemed to criticize capitalism, beginning to formulate plans to reform capitalism on the basis of economics; however, in reality, their investigation did not progress beyond the particular social phenomena of capitalism. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 436-438.


例句 1:
In the reform, the focus was whether to abolish the joint and several liability or not. The opposition held the view that the adoption of the pure joint and several liability was unfair to the Mr. Deep Pocket. But the preserved didn’t agree with them.

例句 2:
The theory that “socialism can be totally achieved in one country” is a flag set up by Stalin to knock over the opposing faction rather than a product out of the combination between the general theories of Marxism and the objective reality of the Soviet. 

例句 3:
After the October Revolution, Lenin and the Bolshevik Party which he led fought rationally advantageously and abstemiously with the sectarian activities and division errors such as the left Communists, the workers opposition and the democratic centralism in succession, which ensured the solidarity and unity of the Bolshevik Party on the basis of the proletarian r





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