字词 | 双边安保机制 |
释义 | 双边安保机制【英】bilateral security mechanisms译文来源http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2017-06/07/c_136347206.htm 例句1. 加快建立共建“一带一路”双边安保机制,保障两国油气管线及大型合作项目安全,保护两国公民和企业合法权益和人身财产安全。--《习近平在哈萨克斯坦媒体发表署名文章》 1. We should put in place bilateral security mechanisms for the Belt and Road cooperation to ensure the security of the oil and gas pipelines and other large cooperation projects undertaken by our two countries. We will protect the legitimate rights and interests and the personal and property safety of our citizens and companies. --Quoted from Chinese president's signed article in Kazakh newspaper |
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