字词 | 原始积累 |
释义 | 原始积累【英】primitive accumulation译文来源Lukács, G. History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics [M]. Massachussetts: The MIT Press, 1968: 31. 定义原始积累是指在资本主义生产方式确立以前的历史阶段中,新兴资产阶级和资产阶级化了的封建贵族使用暴力手段将直接生产者与生产资料相分离,从而迅速积累大量财富的过程。英国古典政治经济学家亚当·斯密最先论述了与“原始积累”相关的内容。在他的代表作“《国富论》的第二篇‘论资财的性质及其蓄积和用途’中提到,一个人若要进行生产,必须在最开始的时候具备一定的资财,这样才能满足自己消费的需要,同时才能支付生产过程中的各种费用。”(秦刚,2011:69)原始积累是资本主义生产方式能够确立的必要前提,同事资本主义生产方式的产生也是原始积累能够进行的基础。马克思认为原始积累代表一种社会关系,即资本主义的大规模社会生产所带来的各种生产要素(如生产资料、劳动力等)的积累才是真正的原始积累,这些生产要素从旧的封建生产方式中游离出来重新按照资本主义生产方式结合起来构成了原始积累的前提。资本原始积累过程中最具有代表性的事件是英国的“圈地运动”,“圈地运动”最初是由英国封建新贵族为了获得更加丰厚的利润而发起的,通过暴力强迫农民与土地分离、进入城市成为劳动力,而无人耕种的土地则成为了生产资料。 定义来源秦刚.“原始积累”概念辨析[J].唯实,2011(1). 例句1. 他们忽略了马克思在《资本论》第1卷中涉及所谓原始积累时已经迈出了这一步;他们——自觉或不自觉地——隐瞒了以下情况:整个《资本论》恰恰就这个问题而言是一部未竟之作,这部著作正好在这个问题必须展开的地方中止了;与此相适应,罗莎·卢森堡只不过根据马克思的思想把他的未竟之作思考到底,并按照他的精神对它作了补充而已。——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思辩证法的研究》,1996:81 1. They overlooked the fact that Marx himse1f took this step with reference to so-called primitive accumulation, in Volume I of Capital. Consciously or unconsciously they suppressed the fact that on this issue Capital is an incomplete fragment which stops short at the point where this problem should be opened up. In this sense what Rosa Luxemburg has done is precise1y to take up the thread where Marx left off and to solve the problem in his spirit. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1968: 31. 2. 普列奥布拉任斯则是相反观点的首要倡导者。他显然重视生产而不重视流通,因为认为只有私有成分即农民,能够为工业发展提供所必须的资本。他在1924年出版的《新经济学》一书中宣称,有进行“社会主义原始积累”的必要,这也就是反对私人积累的必要。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:123 2. The contrary view found its chief exponent in Preobrazhensky. Putting the emphasis clearly on production rather than circulation, Preobrazhensky considered that only the private sector—the peasants—could supply the capital necessary for industrial development. 1n his New Economics of 1924 he declared the necessity for ‘primitive socialist accumulation’ which was of necessity opposed to private accumulation. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 132. 3. 既然不发达的工业部门不能提供必要的资金,国家便不得不向农民榨取,正如资本主义原始积累向各种非资本主义成分榨取资金一样。因此,“剪刀差”危机不仅被热情地接受,还通过国家干预而持续下去了。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:123 3. The underdeveloped industrial sector could not provide the necessary capital: the state would have to extract it from the peasantry, just as primitive capitalist accumulation had extracted it from non-capitalist sectors. The scissors crisis was thus to be welcomed and perpetuated by state intervention. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 132. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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