

字词 原始民主制


primitive democracy


Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 25) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1974: 425.






1. 降低国家高级官吏的薪金,看来“不过”是幼稚的原始的民主制度的要求。现代机会主义的“创始人”之一,以前的社会民主主义者爱·伯恩施坦曾不止一次地重复资产阶级那种嘲笑“原始的”民主制度的庸俗做法。——《列宁全集(第三十一卷)》,1958:41

1. The reduction of the remuneration of high state officials seem “simply” a demand of naive, primitive democracy. One of the “founders” of modern opportunism, the ex-Social-Democrat Eduard Bernstein, has more than once repeated the vulgar bourgeois jeers at “primitive” democracy. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1974: 425.

2. 他同一切机会主义者一样,同现在的考茨基主义者一样,完全不懂得:第一,如果不在某种程度上“返回”到“原始的”民主制度,从资本主义过渡到社会主义是不可能的(因为,不这样做,怎么能够过渡到由大多数居民以至全体居民行使国家职能呢?);第二,以资本主义和资本主义文化为基础的“原始民主制度”同原始时代或资本主义以前时代的原始民主制度是不一样的。——《列宁全集(第三十一卷)》,1958:41

2. Like all opportunists, and like the present Kautskyites, he did not understand at all that, first of all, the transition from capitalism to socialism is impossible without a certain “reversion” to “primitive” democracy (for how else can the majority, and then the whole population without exception, proceed to discharge state functions?); and that, secondly, “primitive democracy” based on capitalism and capitalist culture is not the same as primitive democracy in prehistoric or pre-capitalist times. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1974: 425.


例句 1:
The original democracy is the fertile soil of representative; the ancient Greek city-state democracy is the embryonic form of representative. Representative is the bourgeois parliamentary system, party system and universal suffrage in the modern history of the invention to create a representative to establish a sign of historical practice gave birth to the representative theory, Montesquieu, Rousseau, and Mill. The Paris Commune is the first attempt of the working class representative, the representative thinking of Marx summed up from the Paris Commune practice had a major impact on Lenin. In the late nineteenth, early twentieth century Tsarist Russia staged representative farce directly led to the thinking of Lenin's theory of representative.

例句 2:
Its primitive country society, the primitive system of democracy, the primitive authority of society, regulations and rules has been resorted completely. It also contains som





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