

字词 《阶级》




Erik Olin Wright. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erik_Olin_Wright#Selected_works






1. 至于谈到中世纪的现实的教阶制,我们在这里所要指出的只是:它对于人民,对于广大的群众是不存在的。对于广大群众来说,只有封建制度是存在的,教阶制只有当它本身或者是封建的或者是在封建制度范围内反封建的时候才是存在的。封建制度本身以纯粹经验的关系作为自己的基础。教阶制以及它和封建制度的斗争(某一阶级的思想家反对本阶级的斗争)只是封建制度以及在封建制度内部展开的斗争(也包括在封建主义国家之间的斗争)在思想上的表现。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷):德意志意识形态》,1960:191

1. As for the actual hierarchy of the Middle Ages, we shall merely note here that it did not exist for the people, for the great mass of human beings. For the great mass only feudalism existed, and hierarchy only existed insofar as it was itself either feudal or anti-feudal (within the framework of feudalism). Feudalism itself had entirely empirical relations as its basis. Hierarchy and its struggle against feudalism (the struggle of the ideologists of a class against the class itself) are only the ideological expression of feudalism and of the struggles developing within feudalism itself—which include also the struggles of the feudally organised nations among themselves. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5): The German Ideology, 1932: 176.

2. 传统的工人阶级现在不过是一个享有特权的少数派。大多数人现在属于后工业的新无产者。由于没有就业保障和明确的阶级认同,他们是实习工、合同工、临时工和兼职工。在不太遥远的未来,自动化基本上会消除这样的工作。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:10

2. That traditional working class is now no more than a privileged minority. The majority of the population now belongs to the post-industrial neo-proletariat which, with no job security or definite class identity, fills the area of probationary, contracted, casual, temporary and part-time employment. In the not too distant future, jobs such as these will be largely eliminated by automation. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 6.

3. 最后,批判武断地说,财产的集中及其对劳动阶级所造成的后果,在英国无论是有产阶级或是无产阶级都没有看出来,可是愚蠢的宪章派就认为他们对财产集中的现象了解得非常透澈,社会主义者也认为他们早已详尽地描述了这种后果,而且连托利党人和辉格党人(如卡莱尔、艾利生和盖斯克尔)都可以用自己的著作来证明他们是了解这种现象的。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二卷):神圣家族》,1957:15

3. Lastly, it decrees that neither the propertied nor the non-propertied classes in England are aware of the centralisation of property and its consequences for the working classes, although the stupid Chartists think they are well aware of them; the Socialists maintain that they expounded those consequences in detail long ago, and even Tories and Whigs like Carlyle, Alison and Gaskell have proved their knowledge of them in their works. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 4): The Holy Family, 1975: 14.


例句 1:
Marxism is the theoretical foundation of the proletarian, the most advanced class in the world

例句 2:
Communist Manifesto is a programmatic document of scientific socialism. It embodies the ultimate concern for people and contains rich humanistic thought in its profound cultural background, historical background, class struggle, the condition of the working class, elimination of private ownership and party founding theory.

例句 3:
This purpose can be achieved only on the basis of the high development of productivity, and the concrete way is the proletarian revolution which is caused by the growing class conflict.





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