

字词 十月革命


The October Revolution


McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. London: Macmillan Press, 1998: 153.


俄国无产阶级和广大人民群众在布尔什维克党和伟大导师列宁领导下完成的社会主义革命。1917年的二月革命推翻了沙俄专制制度,出现了资产阶级临时政府与工兵代表苏维埃两个政权并存的局面。4月3日(俄历,下同),列宁由国外回到彼得格勒。第二天发表了著名的《四月提纲》,制定了从资产阶级民主革命向社会主义革命转变的方针、路线和策略。列宁曾经打算通过和平发展的道路,把政权转到无产阶级和贫苦农民手中。临时政府制造的七月流血事件,宣告和平发展道路已被堵死。7-8月,布尔什维克党召开六大,提出了准备武装起义的方针。8月,列宁写出《国家与革命》,阐明了马克思主义的国家学说,为举行武装起义,夺取社会主义革命的胜利奠定了理论基础。10月7 日,列宁秘密回到彼得格勒领导武装起义。10日,列宁主持召开党中央会议,通过关于武装起义的决议。布尔什维克党粉碎了季诺维也夫、加米涅夫等人破坏武装起义的阴谋,在全国各地着手准备武装起义。16日,召开中央扩大会议,决定了起义日期,并选出了斯大林、斯维尔德洛夫、捷尔任斯基等五人组成的革命军事总部(党总部),负责领导起义。24日晚,列宁来到首都彼得格勒起义指挥部所在地斯莫尔尼宫亲自领导武装起义。从10月24日晚到25日,约有二十万赤卫队员和革命士兵,坚决迅速地占领了彼得格勒的所有重要据点和临时政府所在地冬宫,逮捕了临时政府的成员。武装起义胜利了。25日晚,在进攻冬宫的同时,召开了第二次全俄苏维埃代表大会,正式宣布全部政权归苏维埃,通过了列宁起草的《告工人、士兵和农民书》,并组成了以列宁为首的苏维埃政府——人民委员会。世界上第一个社会主义国家光荣诞生了。会上还通过了《和平法令》和《土地法令》。从1917年10月到次年2月,武装起义在全国各地获得胜利。十月社会主义革命开创了人类历史的新纪元,为全世界无产阶级和被压迫民族开辟了革命胜利的道路(陈瑞云,1988:923)。一九一七年在俄国发生的十月革命,是震撼世界的伟大历史事件,正如毛泽东同志所说:“俄国人举行了十月革命,创立了世界上第一个社会主义国家。过去蕴藏在地下为外国人所看不见的伟大的俄国无产阶级和劳动人民的革命精神,在列宁、斯大林领带下,象火山一样突然爆发出来了,中国人和全人类对俄国人都另眼相看了”(毛泽东,1991:1470)。俄国十月革命胜利,是整个俄国社会发展的必然,是整个世界革命运动发展的必然(孙成木等,1980:1)。


[1] 毛泽东.毛泽东选集(第四卷)[C].人民出版社,1991.
[2] 陈瑞云.大学历史词典[Z].黑龙江人民出版社,1988. 
[3] 孙成木,李显荣,康春林.十月革命史[M].生活·读书·新知三联书店,1980.


1. 苏联尽管蜕化了,但仍然是一个工人国家。因而需要的是一场政治革命,而不是社会革命。托洛茨基还受自身下述信念的影响,即同法西斯分子的战争不可避免,而苏联在这场战争中将需要支持。这些观点开始遭到第四国际内部某些托洛茨基分子的反对。第四国际是托洛茨基为反对斯大林主义而于1934年创立的。这些托洛茨基分子不可能那么容易地把斯大林同苏联区分开来,于是他们开始怀疑起整个十月革命的正确性。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:143

1. It was still a workers' state, albeit degenerated, and required a political revolution, but not a social one. Trotsky was also influenced by his belief in the inevitability of war with Fascists, in which the Soviet Union would need support. These views began to be opposed by certain Trotskyists inside the Fourth International, which Trotsky had founded in 1934 to oppose Stalinism. They could not so easily separate Stalin from the Soviet Union and began to doubt the validity of the whole October Revolution. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 153.

2. 今天收到你们出版的我的文章《十月革命四周年》。你们印了5万册。今后,我的文章是否需要出单行本,以及印多少册,请征求我的意见。附上的文章,请印5000册。——《列宁全集(第五十二卷)》:24-25

2. Today I received a copy of my article, “Fourth Anniversary of the October Revolution”, which you have published in 50,000 copies. In future, will you, please, consult with me whether a separate edition is necessary and in how many copies. Please print the enclosed article in 5,000 copies. –Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 45): 374.

3. 马克思、恩格斯没有遇到全面治理一个社会主义国家的实践,他们关于未来社会的原理很多是预测性的;列宁在俄国十月革命后不久就过世了,没来得及深入探索这个问题;苏联在这个问题上进行了探索,取得了一些实践经验,但也犯下了严重错误,没有解决这个问题。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:91

3. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels had no practical experience in the comprehensive governance of a socialist country, as their theories about a future society were mostly predictive. Vladimir Lenin, who passed away a few years after the October Revolution (1917) in Russia, was thus unable to explore this question in depth. The Soviet Union tackled this question and gained some experience, but it made serious mistakes and failed to resolve the problem. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 102.


例句 1:
It was the victory of the Russian October Revolution sent light to Li, he saw the right guidance of Marxism to the proletariat all over the world. With the guidance, Li soon accepted Marxism, and constantly introduce it to others.

例句 2:
He also attached great importance to the spreading of Marxism-Leninism and the October revolution experience to the Chinese, instructed and promoted the first cooperation between Kuo mintang and the Communist Party of China through the establishment of concerned organizations among the Communist Russia (Bolshevik) and the Communist International.

例句 3:
After the October revolution, Lenin in the long and arduous exploration has been aware of the significance of many major issues, and expounded many precious ideas, but it is a pity that these values are not fully aware of by its successor.





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