

字词 《2010—2020年深化干部人事制度改革规划纲要》


the Outline of the Plan on Deepening the Reform of the Personnel System for Cadres (2010-2020)


China’s Human Resources 2010


中国的人力资源状况 2010


1. 中国不断深化干部人事制度改革,先后颁布《深化干部人事制度改革纲要》和《2010—2020年深化干部人事制度改革规划纲要》,针对党政机关、事业单位和国有企业的不同特点实行分类管理,逐步形成广纳群贤、人尽其才、能上能下、公平公正、充满活力的干部人事制度。

1. China has made constant efforts to deepen the reform of the personnel system for cadres. It has successively issued the Guideline on Deepening the Reform of the Personnel System for Cadres and the Outline of the Plan on Deepening the Reform of the Personnel System for Cadres (2010-2020). It has adopted a system of classified management of cadres based on different characteristics of Party and government organs, public institutions and state-owned enterprises; and has gradually brought into being a personnel system for cadres that is fair and just, and full of vitality and under which people of ability have suitable posts, are able to display their abilities to the full, and can be promoted or demoted in their positions.





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