

字词 公理化方法


axiomatic method




公理化方法(axiomatic method)是一种数学方法。任何真正的科学都始于原理,以它们为基础,并由之而导出一切结果来。随着假设演绎模型法的进一步发展,经济学日益走向公理化方法。公理化思想最早出现在二千多年前的欧几里德几何学中,当时认为“公理”(如两点之问可连一直线)是一种不需要证明的自明之理,而其他所谓“定理”(如三对应边相等的陌个三角形垒等)则是需要由公理出发来证明的。18世纪德国哲学家康德认为,欧几里德几何的公理是人们生来就有的先验知识,19世纪末,德国数学家希尔伯特(David Hilbert)在他的几何基础研究中系统地提出了数学的公理化方法。公理化方法能系统地总结数学知识、清楚地揭示数学的理论基础,有利于比较各个数学分支的本质异同,促进新数学理论的建立和发展。现代科学发展的基本特点之一,就是科学理论的数学化,而公理化是科学理论成熟和数学化的一个主要特征(via: http://baike.so.com/doc/6616224-6830017.html)。公理化方法的特点:第一,公理系统是一个有序的整体。它并不平等地对待系统中的所有命题,而是将其划分为两类:公理(不加证明引入的)及定理(需要证明其为真的),并按纵向由浅入深地建立起多命题间的有机的联系。第二,在公理系统中,只要不是公理中的命题都不能不加证明地引用,没有经过严格论证过的命题无资格作为演绎推论的前提,因而就排除了继续运用归纳法引入演绎前提的渠道,成为纯粹的演绎系统。第三,公理系统是形式化的。只着眼于概念、命题间的关系,不考虑其来源、运用和发展。尽管它最先引入了一些原始对象(概念和命题),但对这些东西的解释却被当作系统之外的事,在系统内,只是作为一种“假设”(via: http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/公理化方法)。


[1] via: http://baike.so.com/doc/6616224-6830017.htm
[2] via: http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/公理化方法


1. 因为它的公理及由这些公理推导出来的部分性体系以及结论之间的方法论关系完全符合理性主义本身向它的体系提出来的要求:体系的任何一个个别的环节都是可以由它的基本原则创造出来的,都是可以由它精确地预测和估计的。——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:186

1. For the way in which their axioms are related to the partial systems and results deduced from them corresponds exactly to the postulate that systematic rationalism sets itself, the postulate, namely, that every given aspect of the system should be capable of being deduced from its basic principle, that it should be exactly predictable and calculable. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1971: 117.

2. 倘用传统话语模式来表述的话,第一个历史观的“公理”就是:为什么要说生产力与生产关系的矛盾运动是推动社会历史发展的动力,而变革生产关系的要求则是革命的动因。这是社会运动层面的问题。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:178

2. If interpreted in a simple way, the first historical “axiom” means why the contradiction between the productive forces and the relations of production is regarded as the driving force of social historical development, while the demand to reform the relations of production is the cause of revolution. This is an issue about social movement. Zhang Yibing. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 246.

3. 第二个历史观的“公理”则更深入一步了,我们不妨还是转译一下,鲍德里亚的提问是:为什么要说历史只是人们生产自身需要的物质生活资料的过程,进而,为什么说生产是历史发展的原动力,更进一步,为什么只有在作为“劳动力”时,人才能获得自己的“类”的丰富性? ——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:178

3. The second historical “axiom” has a deeper suggestion, which can be explained as follows: why is history only the process of producing man’s material life? Then, why is production is the initiative of historical development? Moreover, why does man only acquire the “genetic” richness when he is taken as the “labor power” -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 246.


例句 1:
Mathematics knowledge’s systematized method including the simulated method, the axiomization method, the formalized method and so on, these methods is the infinite concept request inevitably.

例句 2:
Therefore, how the use of the financial asset pricing theory has been used axiomatic method Construction axiomatic system, and philosophy of science and technology from the perspective of existing theories, classified axiomatic system, facilitate the follow-up research will become anxious problem to be solved.

例句 3:
Professor Liu establishes the uncertainty theory and the chance theory from axiomatic method is an important tool to deal with these multiple uncertainties. And the inequality, such as the Holder’s, Minkowski, Jensen’s, Markov, Chebyshev inequality and so on, in dealing with uncertain property occupies Plays an important role.





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