

字词 劳动价值论


labour theory of value; the theory of labour value


[1] Zhang Yibing: Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 19.
[2] Zhang Yibing. A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek [M]. Berlin: Canut International Publishers, 2011: 262.




[1] 宋晓涛.论马克思劳动价值论对我国分配制度改革的现实意义[D].河南大学,2013.
[2] 威廉•配弟.赋税论[M].商务印书馆,2006.


1. 再次,最重要的是,配第直接指认了这种新的社会财富与劳动的关系:“我们所谓的国家财富、资产及储备,都是以前或过去劳动的成果,不应该把它看成和现有的各种能力有别,而应把它们和现有的能力作同样的评价。”在政治经济学学说史上,这是劳动价值论的一个前期线索。从历史哲学的逻辑线索上看,配第的劳动价值论实际上是对现代性生产中人类主体性的第一次确认,也是对社会财富本质的第一次科学抽象!——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:45

1. Thirdly and most importantly, Petty directly identified the relation between this new form of social wealth and labor. In Verbum Sapienti, he writes: “It seems reasonable, that what we shall call the Wealth, Stock, or Provision of the Nation, being the effect of the former or past labor, should not be conceived to differ from efficiencies in being, but should be rated alike, and contribute alike to the common necessities.” In the history of political economic theory, this was a precursor to the labor theory of value. In terms of historical philosophical logic, Petty’s labor theory of value was the first affirmation of the human subjectivity of labor in production, as well as the first scientific abstraction of the nature of social wealth. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 19.

2. 鲍德里亚没有读懂,他们这是在经济学语境中讨论劳动价值论,而马克思在这个问题上出场的时候,也是在经济学的意义上狭义地讨论商品价值与使用价值的关系,讨论价值由抽象劳动生成、价值量由劳动量决定、必要劳动时间是价值的真正尺度。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:191

2. Baudrillard does not understand that they are discussing the theory of labor value in the economic context. 1n this connection, Marx approaches from an economic perspective the relations of value and use value of the commodity, value generated from abstract labor, the amount of value determined by the amount of labor, necessary labor time being the real scale of value, etc. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 262.

3. 另一方面,对于想放弃劳动价值论的修正主义者来说,他们不再相信资本主义的崩溃;并且提出,中产阶级的成长是非两极分化的明证,资本主义已显示出自身足够的适应性,因为它有希望渐进地向社会主义过渡,社会主义被看作充分发达的资本主义的一种或多或少和平的继承者。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:27

3. On the other hand, who wished to abandon the labour theory of value, had ceased to believe in the breakdown of capitalism, and pointed to the growth of the middle class as evidence of non-polarisation, capitalism had shown itself to be sufficiently adaptable for there to be hope of its gradual transformation into socialism. Socialism was seen as the more or less peaceful inheritor of a fully developed capitalism. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 31.


例句 1:
Labor theory of value is the cornerstone of Marx’s economics, It is an important theoretical basis for guiding the economic construction of the party and the state, It has great significance.

例句 2:
Necessary labor time of society is a critical concept in the viewpoint of Marxist labor value theory. Most people believe that the second sense causes the logical contradiction in Maxism theory system. For the sake of the better explanation and settlement of this contradiction, we will make out the conception of social necessary labor time in dialectics of abstraction and concretion.

例句 3:





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