

字词 利息和利润


interest and profit


Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 4) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1975: 49.




[1] 胡代光.现代西方经济学辞典[Z].中国社会科学出版社,1996.
[2] 张正学,刘永功.利息学辞典[Z].陕西人民出版社,1993.


1. 假使蒲鲁东说时间不能把苍蝇变为大象,那末批判的批判也同样可以推而言之:既然如此,他就没有理由把劳动时间当做工资的量度。生产某个物品所必须花费的劳动时间属于这个物品的生产费用,某个物品的生产费用也就是它值多少,即它能卖多少钱(如果撇开竞争的影响),这一点甚至连批判的批判也不会不了解。除劳动时间和劳动材料外,经济学家还把土地所有者的地租以及资本家的利息和利润也算入生产费用。在蒲鲁东那里,地租、利息和利润都消失了,因为在他那里私有财产消失了。于是剩下的只有劳动时间和预支费用。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二卷):神圣家族》,1957:61

1. Had Proudhon said that time cannot change a fly into an elephant, Critical Criticism could have said with the same justification: he has therefore no right to make labour time the measure of wages. Even Critical Criticism must be capable of grasping that the labour time expended on the production of an object is included in the cost of production of that object, that the cost of production of an object is what it costs, and therefore what it can be sold for, abstraction being made of the influence of competition. Besides the labour time and the material of labour, economists include in the cost of production the rent paid to the owner of the land, interest and the profit of the capitalist. The latter are excluded by Proudhon because he excludes private property. Hence there remain only the labour time and the expenses. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 4): The Holy Family, 1975: 49.

2. “蒲鲁东根据人类因利息和利润制度以及消费和生产的不平衡而特别遭 到损害这一点,得出了财产不可能的证明;这个证明缺少一个能补其不足的反面,即证明私有财产在历史上是可能的。”希图侥幸的本能使批判的批判决定不去深究蒲鲁东关于利息和利润制度等等的论断,也就是说,不去深究蒲鲁东的一些最重要 的论断。问题在于:如果没有关于私有制运动问题的十分实际的知识,要想在这一点上批判蒲鲁东,哪怕只是做个批判的样子,也完全是不可能的。于是批判的批判指出蒲鲁东没有提供私有财产的历史可能性的证明,企图以此弥补自己的无能为力。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二卷):神圣家族》,1957:64

2. “The proof of the impossibility of property that Proudhon draws from the fact that mankind ruins itself particularly by the interest and profit system and by the disproportion between consumption and production lacks its counterpart, namely, the proof that private property is historically possible.” Critical Criticism has- the fortunate instinct not to go into Proudhon’s reasoning on the interest and profit system, etc. i.e. into the most important part of his argument. The reason is that on this point not even a semblance of criticism of Proudhon can be offered without absolutely positive knowledge of the movement of private property. Critical Criticism tries to make up for its impotence by observing that Proudhon has not proved the historical possibility of property. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 4): The Holy Family, 1975: 51.

3. 在“批判性的评注2”中,马克思是从劳动时间与生产费用的关系出发展开新一轮分析的。他先指出,在资产阶级经济学家那里,除去劳动时间,他们还将“土地所有者的地租以及资本家的利息和利润也算入生产费用”,而蒲鲁东由于否定了私有财产,所以地租、利息与利润都消失了,只存在劳动时间和预付费用,这样,“蒲鲁东既把劳动时间,即人类活动本身的直接定在,当做工资和规定产品价值的量度,因而就使人成了决定性的因素”。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:271

3. In “Critical Comment No.2,” Marx opens a new analysis by observing the relation between labor time and the costs of production. He points out that besides labor time, bourgeois political economists “include in the cost of production the rent paid to the owner of the land, interest and the profit of the capitalist,” while Proudhon, because he rejects private property, also rejects rent, interest, and profit, thus leaving only labor time and expected expenses. “By making labour time, the immediate existence of human activity as activity, the measure of wages and the determinant of the value of the product, Proudhon makes the human side the decisive factor. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 206-207.





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