

字词 判断力


judgment; flair


[2]Lukács, G. History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics [M]. Massachussetts: The MIT Press, 1968: 321-322.
[3]Critique of Judgment. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critique_of_Judgment


判断力是德国康德用语,主要指一种主体先验的认识和审美能力。康德在《判断力批判》中提出,判断力是“一个处于知性和理性之间的中间环节”。判断力不是一种独立的能力,而是包括“三种不能再从一个共同根据推导出来的机能:认识能力、愉快和不快的情感和欲求能力”(康德,2002:11)。判断力中的认识能力可分为两种:一种是“规定的判断力”(bestimmenide Urteil-skraft),即“先验的判断力”,是天赋的“辨别某物是否在一既定规律之下的能力”,即用一般规律或概念去说明特殊的个别事物,或把个别事物归属于先验的普遍概念的逻辑判断力,与审美无关;另一种称“反思判断力”(reflectirende Urteilskraft),是为已给定的特殊事物去寻找普遍规律的主观机能,即是对个别事物表示主观态度的一种情感性的判断能力。康德把反思判断力又分为审美判断力和合目的性判断力。“审美判断力是按照某个规则、而不按照某个概念来评判事物的特殊能力,它与趣味或鉴赏相关,用愉快和不快的情感,评判审美的、感性的对象;而合目的性判断力按照以逻辑方式,借助知性和理性的概念来评判自然界事物整体和目的。”(赵敦华,2012:325),康德试图借助判断力,将他的哲学体系中思辨理性(《纯粹理性批判》)与实践理性(《实践理性批判》))两大相互分离的领域统一起来,将认识与意志、自然的必然性与精神的自由统一起来。




1. 从这个观点看,这种客观的辩证统一在宗派的哈哈镜中是作为僵化的存在还是作为僵化的非存在出现,是无所谓你的问题。是通过一种神秘化过程把革命行动的正确判断力无条件地判归群众,还是主张“觉悟的”少数必须代表“不觉悟的”群众采取行动,也毫无差别。——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思辩证法的研究》,1996:415

1. From this point of view it is a matter of indifference whether this unity appears in the distorting mirror of the sects as existence frozen into immobility, or as immobile non-existence. It takes no difference whether, by a process of mythologizing, a correct flair for revolutionary action is unreservedly attributed to the masses or whether it is argued that the ‘conscious’ minority has to take action on behalf of the ‘unconscious’ masses. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1968: 321-322.

2. 大家知道,康德早在《判断力批判》中,就把在否则是不可调和的对立之间起中介的作用,即完善体系的作用赋与了这个原则。——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:212

2. It is well known that Kant in the Critique of Judgment assigned to this principle the role of mediator between the otherwise irreconcilable opposites, i.e. the function of perfecting the system. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1968: 137.

3. 的确,哲学非常精明老练,它知道,自己的结论无论对天堂的或人间的贪求享受和利己主义,都不会纵容姑息。而为了真理和知识而热爱真理和知识的公众,是善于同那些愚昧无知、卑躬屈节、毫无操守和卖身求荣的文丐来较量判断力和德行的。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第一卷)》,1960:222

3. And, in truth, philosophy has enough knowledge of the world to realise that its results do not flatter the pleasure seeking and egoism of either the heavenly or the earthly world. But the public, which loves truth and knowledge for their own sakes, will be well able to measure its judgment and morality against the judgment and morality of ignorant, servile, inconsistent and venal scribblers. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 1), 1975:197.


例句 1:
"What may I hope”, as Kant’s third question, is theoretical and practical. It has a special significance because it’s related to the reality of the legislation of freedom. However, how can reasonable hope be realized?The key issue is just the weakness of Kantian philosophy. In Critique of Judgment, on the basis of concept of purpose, Kant constructs the methodology of teleology according to the principle of purposiveness, which is trying to answer this question.

例句 2:
Although the new generation of migrant workers in moral jugdment on the whole is good, but it still exists some problems.

例句 3:
As the significance of the procedure of constitution, "common sense", as well as its research paradigm experienced a priori turning, thanks to the following analysis: pre-modern "universality", Kant's "judgment", Arendfs "communicative common sense", and so on.





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