

字词 列斐伏尔


Henri Lefebvre


McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. London: Macmillan Press, 1998: 311.




[1] 潘小娟.当代西方政治学新词典[Z].吉林人民出版社,2001.
[2] 徐大同.西方政治思想史辞典[Z].天津人民出版社,1997.


1. 德波与范内格姆将列斐伏尔的观念进一步深化,根据后两者的定位,商品社会已经被“景观社会”替代,生产方式、生产力和生产关系和经济政治生活等概念,也开始被景观、空间和日常生活等取而代之,至于原先指向资本主义经济和政治制度的阶级斗争,也已转换为将存在瞬间艺术化的“日常生活的革命”。此外,扬弃异化和反对拜物教也成了艺术家的“漂移”和心理学意义上的观念“异轨”。——《文本的深度耕犁:马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:143.

1. Debord and Vaneigem further deepen Lefebvre’s concept and define that the commodity society has been replaced by the spectacular society and the concepts like production mode, productivity and production relationship have been substituted by the spectacle, space and everyday life and the ilk. As for the class struggle which points at capitalist economy and eco-political life, it too has been transformed into “revolution of everyday life” which turns being into artistic moments. Moreover, discarding alienation and rejection to fetishism also become the “drift” of the artist and “derailment”: in the sense of psychology. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 203.

2. 亨利·列斐伏尔(Henri Lefebvre)是一位比加罗蒂还要独特得多的思想家。早在1934年,他就出版了马克思著作的选集,包括《巴黎手稿》中的许多文章。他在很容易引起误解的“辩证唯物主义”标题下写了一篇介绍马克思、至今仍堪称杰作的文章。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:297

2. Henri Lefebvre was a much more original thinker than Garaudy. Lefebvre published selections from Marx’s writings, including many from the Paris Manuscripts, as early as 1934 and wrote what remains an excellent introduction to Marx under the rather misleading title of Dialectical Materialism. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 311.

3. 列斐伏尔最有独创性、也是最重要的著作是《现代世界的日常生活》。在这本书中,他力图通过实地考察日常生活来论证异化现象。由于本书指出,即使在无产阶级革命成功以后,异化仍将存在;而且革命后的共产主义社会也并不能摆脱当前困扰着资本主义社会的许多问题,因而尤其激怒了正统的共产主义者。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:297-298

3. Lefebvre’s most original and important work was Everyday Life in the Modem World. Here he attempted to ground the phenomenon of a1ienation in an examination of everyday life. The book particularly angered the orthodox Communists as it suggested that alienation would persist even after a successful proletarian revolution and that post-revolutionary communist society was not immune from many of the problems currently afflicting capitalist society. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 311-312.


例句 1:
The Production of Space written by French philosopher Henri Lefebvre published in 1974, becomes the landmark of spatial turn in humanities and social sciences. He emphasizes the social attributes of space and the mutual relationship between the space and the subject who lives in it, and divides social space into three levels, namely, spatial practice, representations of space and representational space. Based on the influence of spatial experiences on the heroine Abstract V Kate’s self-knowledge, this thesis takes Lefebvre’s social space theory as the theoretical foundation and tries to make an interpretation on the heroine Kate’s self-discovery by illustrating her cognitive process from confusion to awareness, and finally self--realization and the influence of spatial experiences on in different spaces on her self-knowledge.

例句 2:
Lefebvre’s core contribution is that he first proposed the theory of the “Critique of Everyday Life”, and his research of human mind based on the theory.

例句 3:





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