

字词 冲突(黑格尔)






冲突(英:conflict;德:Konflikt),德国黑格尔用语。在《美学》中提出。指对本来和谐状态的一种破坏和否定。黑格尔认为,作为理念的普遍伦理力量本身是抽象、浑整、统一的,只有转化为具体的情境和个别人物时,它才“得到定性”;在这种由普遍到特殊的具体化过程中,普遍力量“现出本质上的差异面,而且与另一面相对立,因而导致冲突”,推动情节与人物性格的发展,经过否定之否定,达到冲突的解决而重趋和谐统一(via: http://qw.duxiu.com/getPage?sw=%B3%E5%CD%BB&allsw=&bCon=&fenlei=&sectyear=&datatype=0&Page)。冲突“包含着一种动作的开端和前提”,是促使人物“动作的原因”,也是揭示人物性格的根据。黑格尔把冲突分为三类,第一类是由物理的或自然的情况所产生的冲突,如自然带来的疾病、罪孽与灾祸。第二类是由自然条件所产生的心灵冲突,如自然的家庭出身为基础的权力冲突,阶级关系与个人命运的冲突,天生情欲(野心、忌妒、贪婪之类)造成的冲突等。这两类冲突精神性、心灵性还不够。理想的冲突是第三类冲突,即由“心灵性的差异面产生的分裂”。黑格尔认为冲突是实现艺术美的手段,提出悲剧是表现两种对立的理想或普遍伦理力量之间的冲突与和解的戏剧样式。黑格尔之后,冲突被普遍认为是戏剧艺术的本质特征,戏剧冲突成为剧艺的一个专有名词(朱立元,2014:408)。


[1] 冲突.via:
[2] 朱立元.美学大辞典(修订本)[Z].上海辞书出版社,2014.


1. 这仍然还是一种颠倒!这种精神与社会财物的颠倒必然导致“市民社会是个人私利的战场,是一切人反对一切人的战场,同样,市民社会也是私人利益跟特殊公共事务冲突的舞台”——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:83

1. This is still a form of inversion! This inversion of spirit and social possessions inevitably leads to this situation described by Hegel in Elements of the Philosophy of Right: “Just as civil society is the field of conflict in which the private interest of each individual comes up against that of everyone else, so do we here encounter the conflict between private interests and particular concerns of the community.” -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 51.

2. 从这个角度看,辩证方法同“批判”方法(或庸俗唯物主义、马赫主义等的方法)之间的冲突本身是一个社会问题。自然科学的认识理想被运用于自然时,它只是促进科学的进步。——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:59

2. From this angle we see that conflict between the dialectical method and that of ‘criticism’ (or vulgar materialism, Machism, etc.) is a social problem. When the ideal of scientific knowledge is applied to nature it simply furthers the progress of science. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectic, 1971: 10.

3. 因此,从历史上来看,霸权被视为对拉克劳和墨菲所说的“第二国际本质主义话语的双重空白”的政治反应。这种双重空白是多种因素的结果,但主要是必然性和人的能动性之间发生冲突的结果。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:15

3. Historically speaking, therefore, hegemony is to be seen as a political response to what Laclau and Mouffe refer to as ‘the double void that emerged in the essentialist discourse of the Second International’. This double void is the result of several factors, but primarily of the conflict between necessity and human agency. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 13.


例句 1:
The conflict between legal rights is not a false proposition, but it is quite common in judicial practice.

例句 2:
Hagel’s conflict mainly refers to the conflict of characters in artistic works. 

例句 3:
Hagel first pointed out that the tragedy is the most suitable for the performance of Dialectical Laws of art, that tragedy is the essence of the conflict, the causes of conflict is not a crime or accidental disaster, but has some one-sided moral strength or ethical power; the effect of the tragedy is not only pity and fear, on these two kinds of feelings, there are more important the “mediation feeling”, this is a tragedy by revealing the “eternal justice” (universal ethical power) a pleasurable and caused a feeling of satisfaction.





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