

字词 内省




[1] 冯契,徐孝通.外国哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2000.
[2] Mao Tse-tung: Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 1) [C]. Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1965: 303.


儒家的道德修养方法。指内心自我省察。《论语·颜渊》:“内省不疚,夫何忧何惧。”《论语·里仁》:“见贤思齐焉,见不贤而内自省也。”《论语·公冶长》:“已矣乎!吾未见能见其过而内自讼者也。”孔子讲的“内自省”和“内自讼”都属于内省的修养方法。孟子提出了“存心”即“求放心”的内省修养方法。明王守仁继承和发展了孔孟思想提出“省察克治”的修养方法,“省察克治之功,则无时而可间,如去盗贼,须有个扫除廓清之意。无事时将好色、好货、好名等私欲逐一追求,搜寻出来,定要拔去病根,永不复起,方始为快。常如猫 之捕鼠,一眼看着,一耳听着,才有一念萌动,即与克去,斩钉截铁,不可姑容与他方便”(《传习录上》)(方克立,1994:127—128)。儒家内省是一种修身养性、提升人生境界和求知的重要途径与方式。它作为一种干预、影响及完善人的方式,在理论基础、方式和应用上都与西方心理学内省存在着本质的差别,儒家内省作为一种本土心理文化资源,对当代心理学的发展有三方面启示:有助于心理学对人类心理本质的认识更为完善;有助于心理学把握到人类心理的本真面貌;有助于心理学帮助人类实现对意义和价值的追求(刘春蕾,2008:43)。同中国儒家的内省一样,西方心理学的内省也是根植于西方的本土文化之中。内省这个概念,最早创始于中古时期天主教的奥古斯丁(354-430年)。他认为心理是主观自生的内部体验,别人无法直接认识,只能通过被试者的内部反省或报告,才能被人了解,这是中古时期教父心理学的神秘主义研究方法。西方近代的一些哲学家如霍布斯、洛克、贝克莱、休漠等人也都曾运用到内省的方法。随后,康德和孔德等人对内省提出了质疑,认为:当人把观察的因素引人意识经验的内容中时,意识经验就会发生变化,也就不能把握到意识内容本身,同时内省的意识内容也不能证实和验证。19世纪中叶,实验心理学创始人冯特试图解决内省的先天不足,他把物理学中的实验法和哲学中的内省法结合在一起,来确保内省的客观性和准确性,目的是通过实验内省来揭示人类心理的内在结构,把心理学建设成一门自然科学。后起的铁钦纳对冯特内省法进行了继承和发展,他对内省的条件进行了更为苛刻的要求,想以此达到对心理的更为客观的认识。后来兴起的认知心理学运用了口头报告的方法,实质上也是一种内省的方法。从内省在西方心理学的发展流程上来看,西方心理学中的内省与中国儒家的内省在许多方面不尽相同。


[1] 方克立.中国哲学大辞典[Z].中国社会科学出版社,1994.
[2] 刘春蕾.儒家内省对当代心理学的启示[J].吉林师范大学学报(人文社会科学版),2008(05).


1. 第二是认识有待于深化,认识的感性阶段有待于发展到理性阶段——这就是认识论的辩证法。如果以为认识可以停顿在低级的感性阶段,以为只有感性认识可靠,而理性认识是靠不住的,这便是重复了历史上的“经验论”的错误。这种理论的错误,在于不知道感觉材料固然是客观外界某些真实性的反映(我这里不来说经验只是所谓内省体验的那种唯心的经验论),但它们仅是片面的和表面的东西这种反映是不完全的,是没有反映事物本质的。要完全地反映整个的事物,反映事物的本质,反映事物的内部规律性,就必须经过思考作用,将丰富的感觉材料加以去粗取精、去伪存真、由此及彼、由表及里的改造制作工夫,造成概念和理论的系统,就必须从感性认识跃进到理性认识。——《毛泽东选集(第一卷)》,1991:291

1. The second point is that knowledge needs to be deepened, that the perceptual stage of knowledge needs to be developed to the rational stage--this is the dialectics of the theory of knowledge. To think that knowledge can stop at the lower, perceptual stage and that perceptual knowledge alone is reliable while rational knowledge is not, would be to repeat the historical error of “empiricism”. This theory errs in failing to understand that, although the data of perception reflect certain realities in the objective world (I am not speaking here of idealist empiricism which confines experience to so--called introspection), they are merely one--sided and superficial, reflecting things incompletely and not reflecting their essence. Fully to reflect a thing in its totality, to reflect its essence, to reflect its inherent laws, it is necessary through the exercise of thought to reconstruct the rich data of sense perception, discarding the dross and selecting the essential, eliminating the false and retaining the true, proceeding from the one to the other and from the outside to the inside, in order to form a system of concepts and theories--it is necessary to make a leap from perceptual to rational knowledge. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 1), 1965: 303.

2. 众所周知,在宗教改革中,路德的意义是将中世纪那种外在于人的神(上帝)直接化解在人的内心中,让教条的神学教义变成个体生存的内省自悟,从而使彼岸世界融于此岸现世。—— 《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:125

2. We are familiar with the role Martin Luther played in the religious reformation of the 16th century; he distilled the externalized God of the Middle Ages into the human heart, transforming dogmatic theological precepts into individual self-awareness and introspection, thus bringing the world beyond the veil into this world. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 85.


例句 1:
Introspection is generally regarded in western psychology as a person' s observation and description of his own state of mind, which is actually remained in the field of positivism and physicalism psychology. It should be regarded as psychological presentation and activity of self- observing, self- practicing and self- improving one' s own mental action.

例句 2:
This article has three aspects psychology: It can help the psychology understand real appearance of the human psychology; It can significance and value enlightenment about development of the contemporary human psychology essence; it can help psychology help the psychology instruct people realize pursue of the significance and value.

例句 3:
Previous research has noted that the introspection process and the reflected appraisal process are two main





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