字词 | 共产主义社会 |
释义 | 共产主义社会【英】communist society; a society governed by principles of communism译文来源Zhang Yibing. Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 422, 67. 定义共产主义社会(communist society, a society governed by principles of communism)是指在高度发达的社会生产力和最广大共识范围的基础上,实行各尽所能、按需分配原则的劳动者有序自由联合的社会经济形态。共产主义是一种政治信仰或社会形态。当他指社会形态时,是指英文communist society,即共产主义社会;当他指政治信仰时,是指英文communism,隶属于马克思主义,是马克思运用他所创立的辩证唯物主义方法论分析了资本主义社会的生产过程,发现了资本主义社会的基本矛盾和发展趋势,预言了资本主义必然灭亡,最终被公有制的共产主义社会所代替(《共产主义社会》,via: http://baike.so.com/doc/4228495-4430241.html)。它具有如下特点:第一,没有私有制度和私有观念,没有剥削、没有压迫,没有个人利益和个人欲望,更没有邪恶和犯罪; 第二,每一个自然人都把自己看成是全人类的一个不可缺少的组成部分,关心和帮助别人就是关心和帮助自己,爱护全人类的一切就是爱护自己的一切;第三,所有人的利益是完全一致的,每个人的自由发展都会为其他人的自由发展创造条件;第四,在艰苦奋斗,勤俭节约,各尽所能,无私奉献的原则下,根据生产力发展水平和物质资料丰富的程度,实行按照个人生存、发展和工作的实际需要进行合理分配;第五,全人类的每一个人,个人和个人之间、个人和组织之间、组织和组织之间没有你死我活的竞争,只有团结互助、比、学、赶、帮、超的竞赛;第六,各级领导人只能从经过实践检验优秀的人才中竞选产生,每届五年,连任不得超过两届,并且有 严格的监督制约机制,发现问题,随时可以质询、问题严重,随时可以罢免等(《共产主义社会》,via:http://wenda.so.com/q/1365146595062444?src=150)。 定义来源[1] 共产主义社会.via: 例句1. 第一种是在所有社会生产过程中都必须存在的主体(人)和客体(自然),第二种是在私有制条件下的一些社会生产特有的(如所有制、市场交换),第三种是原始社会与共产主义社会共有的(如公有制)。马克思进一步指出,谈论生产一般更重要的是不能忘记生产的历史存在的“本质的差别”。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:535 1. The first kind refers to the subjects (men) and objects (nature) that must exist in all social productive processes; the second refers to the elements of social production that exist uniquely under conditions of private property (ownership, market exchange, etc.); the third refers to elements common to primitive society and communist society (public ownership). Marx goes on to point out that it is important to not forget the “essential differences” of the historical existence of production. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 422. 2. 显然,它是针对劳动关系本身的客观颠倒,对这种客观颠倒的思考正是我们前面所说的马克思又一次从劳动本位出发进行主体性批判的着眼点。可是,此处的“劳动”,究竟是过去自然经济中那种直接性的个人具体劳动,还是未来共产主义社会中作为人的第一需要的非奴役的劳动活动?——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:562 2. Evidently this inversion refers to the objective inversion of labor relations themselves. Marx’s thinking on this type of objective inversion was what we have already discussed, the subjective critique proceeding from the standard of labor. However, does the use of the term “labor” here refer to direct, individual concrete labor in the past natural economy, or to the future non-enslaved labor activity of men in communist society? -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 445. 3. 他固然也声称,“旧的文明已经走到它的尽头;在新的阳光下,地球的面貌马上就会革新”,人类会迎来一个伟大的自由与平等之神的时代,但蒲鲁东在批判私有制社会的同时,也否定了共产主义社会。在他看来,所有制社会是强者剥削弱者,而共产主义社会则是弱者剥削强者。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:101 3. In What is Property, he declares: “The old civilization has run its race; a new sun is rising, and will soon renew the face of the earth.” Nevertheless, he rejected communism even as he prophesied that humanity would soon welcome new gods of freedom and equality in his criticism of the system of privately property. Proudhon believed that in a society governed by principles of privately owned property, the weak are exploited by the strong; however, in a society governed by principles of communism, the strong are exploited by the weak. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 67. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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