

字词 共产主义劳动


communist labour


Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 30) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1974: 516.


共产主义劳动(communist labour),是在共产主义制度下得到全面发展的具有高度共产主义觉悟的劳动者,为了全社会的需要联合起来进行的、自觉自愿的、无报酬的劳动。共产主义劳动,是在共产主义高级阶段劳动者为社会进行的不计报酬的劳动。具有自觉性、普遍性、全面性、乐生性和直接社会性。共产主义劳动已不仅是谋生的手段,而且成了生活的第一需要,人人都从事劳动。在社会主义革命和建设中,许多先进者的劳动,也具有共产主义劳动的性质(《共产主义劳动》,via: http://baike.so.com/doc/8807807-9132458.html)。恩格斯说:“旧的生产方式必须彻底变革,特别是旧的分工必须消灭。代之而起的应该是这样的生产组织:在这个组织中,一方面,任何个人都不能把自己在生产劳动这个人类生存的自然条件中所应参加的部分推到别人身上;另一方面,生产劳动给每一个人提供全面发展和表现自己全部的即体力的和脑力的能力的机会,这样,生产劳动就不再是奴役人的手段,而成了解放人的手段,因此,生产劳动就从一种负担变成一种快乐”(马克思,恩格斯,1971:318)。


[1] 共产主义劳动.via:
[2] 马克思,恩格斯.马克思恩格斯全集(第二十卷)[M].人民出版社,1971.


1. 星期六义务劳动已经不是个别的现象,非党工人确实看到执政的共产党的党员担负起这种义务,看到共产党吸收新党员并不是使他们利用执政党的地位来谋利,而是要他们作出真正的共产主义劳动即无报酬劳动的榜样,正是这样的星期六义务劳动最能提高共产党在城市中的威信,最能使非党工人敬佩共产党员。——《列宁全集(第三十七卷)》,1986:366-367

1. Nothing helped so much to enhance the prestige of the Communist Party in the towns, to increase the respect of non-party workers for the Communists, as these subbotniks when they ceased to be isolated instances and when non-party workers saw in practice that the members of the governing Communist Party have obligations and duties, and that the Communists admit new members to the Party not in order that they may enjoy the advantages connected with the position of a governing party, but that they may set an example of real communist labour, i.e., labour performed gratis. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 30), 1974: 202.

2. 我们这张报纸是专门讨论共产主义劳动问题的报纸。这是社会主义建设中最重要的问题。首先我们应该很清楚,只有在无产阶级夺得政权之后,只有在剥夺了地主和资本家之后,只有在夺得了国家政权的无产阶级对那些进行拼死反抗、组织反革命暴动和国内战争的剥削者取得了决定性的胜利之后,这个问题才有可能在实际上提出来。——《列宁全集(第三十八卷)》,1986:342

2. Our newspaper is devoted to the problem of communist labour. This is the paramount problem in the building of socialism. First of all, we must make it quite clear to ourselves that this question could be raised in a practical way only after the proletariat had captured political power, only after the landowners and capitalists had been expropriated, only after the proletariat, having captured state power, had achieved decisive victories over the exploiters who put up a desperate resistance and organised counter-revolutionary rebellions and civil war. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 30), 1974: 516.

3. 两年来我们已经有了一些根据社会主义原则进行建设的经验。因此,可以而且应当认真提出共产主义劳动问题,确切些说,不是共产主义劳动问题,而是社会主义劳动问题,因为这里指的是从资本主义中生长出来的新社会制度的低级发展阶段即初级发展阶段,而不是高级发展阶段。——《列宁全集(第三十八卷)》,1986:342-343

3. During these two years we have acquired some experience in organisation on the basis of socialism. That is why we can, and should, get right down to the problem of communist labour, or rather, it would be more correct to say, not communist, but socialist labour; for we are dealing not with the higher, but the lower, the primary stage of development of the new social system that is growing out of capitalism. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 30), 1974: 517.


例句 1:
Jiang Xi Communist Labor University was a special education model that emerged in a special background.

例句 2:
Based on preseat studies of Jiangxi Communist Labor University in terms of its background, features and lessons, it points out that some questions should still be further probed and researched such as the fundamental theories to establish the institute, the objective summary of its development and operation model, the comparative study of various type of colleges and a reflective study of its internal logic developing ideas and external influence.

例句 3:
Essentially, labor is something alienated in capitalist society. The establishment and implementation of communist labor are sought to realize labor liberation effectively.





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