

字词 六弦琴


Six-string Lute



It is so called for it has six strings and six tuning pegs. In fact, it is a variation of five-string Pipa as its body is similar to Pipa or Five-string. The head is sharp or square. It can be found in frescoes of Early Tang or Flourishing Tang Dynasty. One in Cave No.322 (Early Tang Dynasty) is played by the flying Apsaras, which has a sharp head, thick-edged sound box and broad bell. Another one in Cave No.386 (Flourishing Tang Dynasty) is among the sutra illustration band. The latter one has a square head and pear-shaped body. Six-string Lute has two more strings than Pipa and one more string than Five-string Lute, so it is broader in pitches. The two Six-string Lutes has made Dunhuang musical instruments more colorful.





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