字词 | 公信力 |
释义 | 公信力【英】public credibility; credibility译文来源[1] Report on the Work of Government, 2016. via: 定义公信力(public credibility, credibility),《现代汉语词典》的解释是:使公众信任的力量。公信力的概念源于英文词Accountability,意指为某一件事进行报告、解释和辩护的责任;为自己的行为负责任,并接受质询。公信力是指在社会公共生活中,公共权力面对时间差序、公众交往以及利益交换所表现出的一种公平、正义、效率、人道、民主、责任的信任力。公信力既是一种社会系统信任,同时也是公共权威的真实表达,属政治伦理范畴。公信力指对信息或其来源可信度的主观及客观组成。从公信力的研究对象来看,主要包括政府、传媒、司法、民间组织四大领域。政府公信力是指政府依据于自身的信用所获得的社会公众的信任度。传媒公信力是负有社会责任的传播者,通过大众传播媒介提供客观、全面、及时、权威的信息,并得到社会的普遍认同。司法公信力即一定社会的司法机构通过其职权活动在整个社会当中建立起来的一种公共信用。民间组织公信力指社会对一个组织的认可及信任程度,它通过法律约束和自律规范来体现(《公信力》,via: http://baike.so.com/doc/5430654-5668938.html)。 定义来源公信力.via: 例句1. 推动党风廉政建设向基层延伸,坚决纠正侵害群众利益的不正之风,坚定不移惩治腐败。坚持勤勉履职,提高执行力和公信力。——《2016年政府工作报告》,2016 1. We will ensure that efforts to improve Party conduct and government integrity are extended right down to the community level, resolutely correct improper conduct that harms the interests of the general public, and punish corruption without fail. We will ensure that officials perform their duties diligently, that government decisions are fully implemented, and that the government’s public credibility is improved. -Quoted from Report on the Work of Government, 2016. 2. 这些年来,群众对司法不公的意见比较集中,司法公信力不足很大程度上与司法体制和工作机制不合理有关。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:82 2. Miscarriage of justice has been a major concern of the people in recent years, and the judiciary suffers a lack of credibility largely due to its current defective system and operation mechanism, which need improvement. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 92. 3. 各级国家行政机关、审判机关、检察机关要坚持依法行政、公正司法,加快推进法治政府建设,不断提高司法公信力。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:140 3. State administrative, judicial and procuratorial bodies at all levels must exercise government administration in accordance with the law, administer justice impartially, accelerate the building of law-based government, and constantly increase judicial credibility. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 155. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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