

字词 价格剪刀差(又作工农业产品价格剪刀差、剪刀差)


(the price) scissors


Stalin, J. J. Stalin Works (Vol. 6) [C]. Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1953: 27.




[1] 剪刀差.via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=TsqTOd6qfDxwI1WsGQ1YmzZEBwwClO3a5N9K81u7lMMKYhWZ77oxoh_mxFtkyLuE9k5jUyxVWR9FTTp0Dq2nt_.
[2] 严瑞珍,龚道广,周志祥,毕宝德.中国工农业产品价格剪刀差的现状、发展趋势及对策[J].经济研究,1990(2). 
[3] 姜兴渭.谈谈工农业产品价格剪刀差问题[J].经济研究,1980(4).


1. 在中央委员会里,关于党内民主问题是怎样发生的呢?第一次是在中央九月全会上发生的,发生的原因是由于各企业中爆发了冲突,是由于某些党组织和工会组织有当时我们已经揭露的脱离群众的现象。当时中央委员会认为这个问题是严重的,缺点在党内积累起来了,必须成立一个有威信的特别委员会来调查这个问题,研究这些事实,提出关于改善党内状况的具体建议。关于销售危机,关于“剪刀差”问题也必须这样说。无论是提出问题,无论是选举党内状况委员会和“剪刀差”委员会,都没有反对派参与其事。——《斯大林全集(第六卷)》,1956:20

1. How did the question of inner-Party democracy arise in the C.C.? It came up for the first time at the C.C. plenum in September, in connection with the conflicts that had developed in the factories and the fact, then brought out by us, that certain Party and trade-union organisations had become isolated from the masses. The C.C. took the view that this was a serious matter, that shortcomings had accumulated in the Party and that a special authoritative commission ought to be set up to look into the matter, study the facts and submit concrete proposals on how to improve the situation in the Party. The same thing applies to the marketing crisis, the price “scissors.” The opposition took no part at all in raising those questions or in electing the commissions on the inner-Party situation and on the “scissors” problem. -Quoted from J. Stalin Works (Vol. 6), 1953: 27.

2. 这两种观点的对峙首先明显地暴露在对1923 年出现的所谓“剪刀差”危机的反应上。“剪刀差”危机是因提高工业品价格的同时降低农产品价格而形成的,它很大程度上应归咎于国家工业占垄断地位,从而有资格在同农业部门的交换中取得有利条件。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:122

2. These two opposing viewpoints were first clearly expressed in response to the so-called ‘scissors’ crisis which emerged in 1923. This involved a rise in industrial prices and a simultaneous fall in agricultural prices, which was largely caused by the monopolistic position of state industry and its ability to turn the terms of trade with the agricultural sector in its own favour. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 131.


例句 1:
The scissors gap between industry and agriculture of prices is the exchange of unequal values between the industry and agriculture product actually. And the price of industry product is more than its value over a long period of time, on the contrary, the price of agriculture product is lower than its value.

例句 2:
The sixth part is the countermeasures and policy proposals to solve the wage price scissors gap of peasant laborer, including change the current household registration system and the urban-rural dual structure, establish a unified labor market and relevant laws, improve the human capital of peasant laborer.

例句 3:
The income gap between urban and rural areas continues to expand, “scissors difference” phenomenon is an important factor.





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