字词 | 价格刚性 |
释义 | 价格刚性【英】price rigidity译文来源[1] 田文举.英汉双向金融词典[Z].上海交通大学出版社,2006. 定义价格刚性是指价格确定后的不易变动性,即价格缺乏弹性。价格具有涨易降难的特性。按价格学原理,当产品成本下降,或者供过于求时,其价格应随之下跌。但是在纸币流通的情况下,当国家货币供应增长速度超过经济增长速度,即存在通货膨胀的情况下;或者企业间在竞争中回避价格竞争,或者企业通过降低价格不能达到扩大销售和增加利润时,都使价格刚性的存在有了条件或成为可能(韩双林,马秀岩,1993:276)。 定义来源[1] 韩双林,马秀岩.证券投资大辞典[Z].黑龙江人民出版社,1993. 例句1. 这两种观点的对峙首先明显地暴露在对1923年出现的所谓“剪刀差”危机的反应上。“剪刀差”危机是因提高工业品价格的同时降低农产品价格而形成的,它很大程度上应归咎于国家工业占垄断地位,从而有资格在同农业部门的交换中取得有利条件。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:122 1. These two opposing viewpoints were first clearly expressed in response to the so-called ‘scissors’ crisis which emerged in 1923. This involved a rise in industrial prices and a simultaneous fall in agricultural prices, which was largely caused by the monopolistic position of state industry and its ability to turn the terms of trade with the agricultural sector in its own favour. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 131. 2. 下一步,关键是要抓住制度建设这个重点,以完善公务接待、财务预算和审计、考核问责、监督保障等制度为抓手,努力建立健全立体式、全方位的制度体系,以刚性的制度约束、严格的制度执行、强有力的监督检查、严厉的惩戒机制,切实遏制公款消费中的各种违规违纪违法现象。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:364 2. To do this we need to refine an overall mechanism that is dynamic, and that provides for rigid institutional constraints, strict systematic execution, strong supervision and examination, and severe sanctions, so that all misbehavior and violation of the rules and regulations relating to recreational activities paid for from public funds is reduced to a minimum. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 400. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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