

字词 “四个全面”


the Four-pronged Comprehensive Strategy


《发展权:中国的理念、实践与贡献》白皮书:英语/中华人民共和国 国务院新闻办公室,2016


1. 为实现“两个一百年”奋斗目标,中国共产党统筹推进经济、政治、文化、社会和生态文明建设“五位一体”总体布局,协调推进全面建成小康社会、全面深化改革、全面依法治国、全面从严治党的“四个全面”战略布局,在推动经济发展的基础上,建设社会主义市场经济、民主政治、先进文化、生态文明、和谐社会,协同推进人民富裕、国家强盛、中国美丽,更加扎实有效地保障和促进发展权的实现。--《发展权:中国的理念、实践与贡献》白皮书

1. To achieve the Two Centenary Goals, the CPC strives to promote coordinated progress in economic, political, cultural, social, and ecological areas, and to implement the Four-pronged Comprehensive Strategy, viz., building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, driving reform to a deeper-level, fully implementing the rule of law, and strengthening Party discipline. Based on economic growth, the Party will continue to build the socialist market economy, promote democracy, advanced culture, ecological progress, and a harmonious society, and ensure that the people are better-off, that the nation grows stronger and more prosperous, and that the environment is clean and beautiful, and that the people’s right to development is protected and promoted in a more solid and effective manner.—Quoted from White Paper on The Right to Development: China's Philosophy, Practice and Contribution





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