字词 | 中国特色社会主义制度 |
释义 | 中国特色社会主义制度【英】system of socialism with Chinese characteristics译文来源[1]习近平谈治国理政:英文/习近平著;英文翻译组译.--北京:外文出版社,2014:150 例句1. 我国宪法以国家根本法的形式,确立了中国特色社会主义道路、中国特色社会主义理论体系、中国特色社会主义制度的发展成果,反映了我国各族人民的共同意志和根本利益,成为历史新时期党和国家的中心工作、基本原则、重大方针、重要政策在国家法制上的最高体现。——《习近平谈治国理政》 ,2014:136 1. As the fundamental law of the state, the Constitution verifies the developments concerning the path, theories and system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, demonstrates the common will and fundamental interests of the Chinese people of all ethnic groups, and has become the supreme expression of the central work, basic principles, major guidelines and important policies of the Party and the state in the national legal system.—Quoted from XI JINPING The Governance of China, 2014:150 2. 全面深化改革的总目标是:完善和发展中国特色社会主义制度,推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化。——《中国关键词》(第一辑) ,2016:26 2. The overall goal of our all-round push forfurther reform is to improve and develop thesocialist system with Chinese characteristics andto modernize China’s governance system andcapabilities.—Quoted from KEYWORDS TO UNDERSTAND CHINA, 2016: 27 |
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