

字词 胜利主义




[1] Sim, S. Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History [M]. London: Routledge, 2001: 122.
[2] Triumphalism. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triumphalism


 胜利主义对于某一教条、文化或社会机制的发展利弊共存。其危害之处包括:妨碍团体正确认知其行为价值观或道德观;无视其他团体的能力和创造力,从而也阻断自己团队内部的创造和创新的可能性;过度膨胀,盲目自大,易对竞争对手产生过激行为。此外,胜利主义煽动改宗、征战以及整体扩张团体或教义,如七世纪的伊斯兰外征,欧洲殖民扩张,以及帮助美国在北美确立统治地位的命定扩张论等(Triumphalism. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triumphalism)。狭义上胜利主义也特指苏东剧变以后,西方资本主义国家自由主义学者对国际共产主义运动低潮的一种短视而独断的自信。


Triumphalism. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triumphalism.


1. 通过反思共产主义衰亡的消极影响,鲍曼(Bauman)在后马克思主义的争论中扮演了一个不同的角色。只有鲍曼没有那种玷污后现代主义对这一事件的讨论的胜利主义口吻。他的观点带着某种乡愁回顾了共产主义作为资本主义制衡者的角色。鲍曼担心的是这样一种全球秩序:在其中,资本主义没有自身的“他者”,而且事实上意识形态的他者观念失去了一切的道德合法性。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:191-192

1. Bauman puts a different spin on the post-Marxist debate by reflecting on the negative connotations of communism’s demise. The triumphalist tone that can mar some postmodernist treatments of this event (and bourgeois democratic ones as well, as in Fukuyama’s case) is singularly missing in Bauman. Here is an argument which looks back with a certain nostalgia–if a rather reluctant one–to communism’s role as a check on capitalism. What Bauman fears is a global order in which there is no ‘other’ to capitalism, and, indeed, in which the notion of an ideological other loses all moral legitimacy. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 122.

2. 鲍曼想要保证左翼的批判在共产主义崩溃之后仍然有效—— 一种突出的后马克思主义立场。这样一种计划是在西方福山式的胜利主义之后立即提出的,旨在保持异议传统的活力。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:192

2. Bauman is concerned to ensure that a left critique survives the fall of communism–an eminently post-Marxist position to adopt. Writing in the immediate aftermath of Fukuyama-style triumphalism in the West, one can appreciate the urgency of such a project, designed to keep a left dissenting tradition alive. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 122-123.

3. 实在是一个潜在无限的总体,我们对其虽然有所了解,但知道得并不是太多。这绝不是我和黑格尔之间的差别。尽管黑格尔更加微妙地阐述了认知胜利主义、普 罗米修斯主义或绝对主义,但是他仍然是从他的同时代前辈拉普拉斯到列宁,因而到唯物辩证法和其他无所不知的党国的命令经济之间的直接连结者。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:244

3. Reality is a potentially infinite totality, of which we know something but not how much. This is not the least of my differences with Hegel, who, although a more subtle exponent of cognitive triumphalism, Prometheanism or absolutism, nevertheless is a conduit directly connecting his older contemporary Pierre de Laplace to Lenin and thence diamat and the erstwhile command economies of the omniscient party states. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 156.


例句 1:
Underworld mainly deals with histories of the Cold War. In this 827-page-long novel, using important events of America from the 1950s to the 1990s as background, DeLillo mainly focuses on histories which are not written by the dominant, thus questioning the American Cold War triumphalism.

例句 2:
In his scholarship, LaFeber has challenged received wisdom about the root of U.S. imperialism, exposed the undersides of U.S. military interventions in Latin America, deflated the self-congratulatory rhetoric promoting U.S.-driven globalization, and criticized Bush administration’s “New Empire” strategy for its possible harm to American’s democracy.

例句 3:
The author believes that “Beyond Containment Strategy” brought by Bush was a kind of passive action to respond to peace offensi





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