字词 | 总集 |
释义 | zǒngjí 总集General Collection / Anthology 汇集多人诗文作品的集子(与汇集某一作家诗文作品的“别集”相对)。今天所传最早的总集是汉代王逸编辑的《楚辞章句》。总集的体例,从内容角度看,有“全集式”总集与“选集式”总集;按照收录时代范围,可分为通代总集和断代总集;按所收录作品的文体,可分为专辑同一文体的总集和汇集各种文体作品的总集。总集中最有代表性的为梁代昭明太子萧统及文士共同编选的《文选》。《文选》选录先秦至梁初各类文体700余篇文学作品,以内容与文采并茂为收录标准,不收经、史、子类文章(仅收史传中的少量序、论、赞),反映出当时人们的文学观念,对于后世文学发展影响深远。 Zongji (总集) is a collection of various authors' poems and proses (distinct from bieji〔别集〕, a collection of a particular author's literary works). The earliest anthology we find nowadays is Verses from the Odes of Chu, compiled and edited by Wang Yi in the Han Dynasty. In terms of content, an anthology could be either comprehensive or limited in selection. Chronically, an anthology can be a general collection spanning written history, or a general collection from one dynasty. In terms of the genre of collected works, it can be divided into collections of a specific genre and collections of various genres. The most representative anthology is Selected Literary Works compiled and edited jointly by Crown Prince Xiao Tong and his literary advisors in the Liang Dynasty of the Southern Dynasties. Selected Literary Works consists of more than 700 outstanding literary pieces of various genres from pre-Qin through the early Liang. It does not include any work that belongs to the categories of jing (经 Confucian classics), shi (史 history), or zi (子 thoughts of ancient scholars and schools), but does include a small number of prefaces, commentaries, and eulogies from shi. Selected Literary Works reflects the literary trend of the time and exerted a far-reaching impact on the development of Chinese literature in the years to come. 引例 Citations: ◎总集者,以建安之后,辞赋转繁,众家之集,日以滋广,晋代挚虞……合而编之,谓为《流别》。(《隋书·经籍志》) (总集之由来,是因为汉建安之后,辞赋创作数量繁多,各家的文集,日益增广。于是晋朝的挚虞……把它们合编在一起,称之为《流别》。) An anthology was compiled because a large number of works of ci (辞) and fu (赋) were created, and different collections of various authors were widespread. They were put together under the title of Literary Trends and Schools by Zhi Yu of the Jin Dynasty. (The History of the Sui Dynasty) ◎总集盖源于《尚书》《诗》三百篇,洎王逸《楚词》、挚虞《流别》后,日兴纷出,其义例可得而言。(马其昶《〈桐城古文集略〉序》) (总集大体源于《尚书》《诗经》,及至王逸编选《楚辞》、挚虞编选《流别》之后,纷纷面世,它的主旨和体例才可以论说清楚。) The form of anthology originated from The Book of History and The Book of Songs. After Verses from the Odes of Chu and Literary Trends and Schools were compiled and edited by Wang Yi and Zhi Yu respectively, various anthologies began to appear, and became clear in themes and formats. (Ma Qichang: Preface to Selected Classic Works of the Tongcheng School) |
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