lí 离Li (The Fire Symbol) “八卦”之一,画为“ ”。“离”又为“六十四卦”之一,由两个三画的“离”卦组成,画为“ ”。在“八卦”系统中,“离”卦的基本象征意义是火,有干燥万物之义。又因火必附着于物而可燃烧,而有附着之义。“离”卦由一个阴爻和两个阳爻组成,属于阴卦,在人伦领域象征女性。“离”卦中的阴爻居于中位,故象征家中诸女中居长幼之间者。 Li (离) is one of the eight trigrams, represented by the diagram . It is also one of the 64 hexagrams and composed of two trigrams like this . Li symbolizes fire, which implies drying up all things. Since fire depends on combustible material to spread, it implies a relationship of dependence. The term is composed of one broken line and two unbroken lines. It is considered a yin trigram and symbolizes the female. The broken line lies in the middle, therefore it stands for the middle daughter of a family. 引例 Citations: ◎离,丽也。(《周易·说卦》) (离,意为附着。) Li means dependence. (The Book of Changes) ◎明两作,离。大人以继明照于四方。(《周易·象上》) (光明重叠而至,是太阳之象。因此居于上位的人不断以明德彰显于四方。) Just as the sun rises and turns all things bright, so a man in a leading position should constantly extend virtue to all. (The Book of Changes) |