字词 | 知耻而后勇 |
释义 | zhī chǐ ér hòu yǒng 知耻而后勇Having a Feeling of Shame Gives Rise to Courage. 知道耻辱之后就有了勇气。源于“知耻近乎勇”(知道耻辱就接近勇敢了)。“知耻”就是有羞恶之心(对自己的过错感到羞耻,对他人的不善感到憎恶),孟子将其视为人之为人的基准或底线之一。“勇”即勇气、勇敢。在儒家那里,它和“知”(智慧)、“仁”(仁爱)一起构成“三达德”(三种普世的德行)。将“知耻”和“勇”联系起来,意在激励人们要勇于面对自己的不足,奋发进取,为达到完美境界而努力。它是个人、企业、组织、民族、国家等自尊、自励、自强精神的体现。 The notion that having a feeling of shame gives rise to courage comes from the saying that "to have a feeling of shame is to be near to having courage." Having a feeling of shame means to be ashamed of one's own mistakes as well as to hate the misbehavior of others. Mencius believed this to be one of the basic things humans must do. In Confucian thought courage is one of three universal virtues along with wisdom and love for others. Linking shame and courage was meant to impel people to face their shortcomings squarely and work hard for improvement and perfection. The concept embodies the spirit of individuals, companies, organizations, ethnic groups, and the whole nation in achieving self-respect, self-motivation, and self-improvement. 引例 Citations: ◎知、仁、勇三者,天下之达德也。(《礼记·中庸》) (智慧、仁爱、勇敢是天下共通普遍的德行。) Wisdom, love for others, and courage, these three are the universal virtues of all under heaven. (The Book of Rites) ◎好学近乎知,力行近乎仁,知耻近乎勇。(《礼记·中庸》) (喜爱学习就接近了智,尽力实行就接近了仁,知道耻辱就接近了勇。) To love learning is to be near to wisdom, to practice with vigor is to be near to love for others, and to have a feeling of shame is to be near to courage. (The Book of Rites) |
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