释义 |
砭砭 | 502A20 31B.83-9 | 部居
 | 畫數 10 | ㄅㄧㄢ [bian1] | N. | (AC) fine-pointed stone for puncturing skin.
| V.t. | Anciently to probe with stone point, now with metal point in acupuncture; 針砭 81A.10 n., acupuncture, also v.t. to probe and criticize (faults) severely.
| Words | 1. 砭骨 [bian1gu3], adj., very cold, stinging (of cutting wind); very severe (of criticism). 2. 砭灸 [bian1jiu3], n., (med.) anc. method of acupuncture, puncture (砭 to puncture and 灸 to cauterize).