释义 |
愈愈 | 1096B15 81.72 | 部居
| 畫數 13 | ㄩˋ [yU4] . [Usu. printed 愈] | V.i. | Recover from illness: 病愈 (also written 癒).
| Adj. | Better: 愈於 better than.
| Adv. | The more, more and more, increasingly (=vern. 越): 愈來愈多 more and more are coming; 愈不堪 getting worse and worse; 愈加 increasingly (difficult, etc.); 愈甚 more intensely; 愈益 all the more (complex, etc.); 愈讀愈愛 the more you read it, the more you love it.