释义 |
愆愆 | 1221C40 91.72 | 部居
| 畫數 13 | ㄑㄧㄢ [qian1] | N. & adj. | (1) Transgression, error, erroneous: 罪愆 sins of transgression or omission; 不愆不忘 (LL) neither err nor forget. (2) Upset: see 愆痾 [qian1ke1], 愆伏 [qian1fu2]↓.
| V.t. | To transgress time limit: see 愆期 [qian1qi2]↓.
| Words | 1. 愆期 [qian1qi2], v.i., to transgress time limit, delay (in payment, etc.); v.i., (2) adj., passed time limit. 2. 愆伏 [qian1fu2], phr., (from 愆陽伏陰) imbalance or upset of [yin1] and [yang1] principles. 3. 愆滯 [qian1zhi4], v.i., get blocked up, delayed. 4. 愆痾 [qian1ke1], n., a disaster or epidemic, ascribed to imbalance of [yin1] and [yang1], see [qian1fu2]↑. 5. 愆面 [qian1mian4], phr., (LL) be separated (among friends). 6. 愆序 [qian1xU4], adj., (LL of weather) unseasonable (heat or cold). 7. 愆忒 [qian1te4], n., (LL) sin, fault, transgression.