释义 |
軫軫 | 156A55 10D.91-8 | 部居
 | 畫數 12 | ㄓㄣˇ [zhen3] | N. | (1) Cross board at rear of carriage; 車軫 carriage in gen. (2) Peg for tuning stringed instrument.
| V.i. | To turn about in mind, to think about constantly, esp. in compassion: 軫念時艱 to bear in mind the troubles of the country, see compp.↓.
| Adj. | (1) In great throngs: 殷殷軫軫 (AC) ditto. (2) 軫石 (AC) square rocks.
| Words | 1. 軫悼 [zhen3dao4], v.t., to sorrow over (the dead), to mourn the loss. 2. 軫懷 [zhen3huai2], v.t., to remember with sorrow. 3. 軫慕 [zhen3mu4], v.t., to remember fondly. 4. 軫念 [zhen3nian4], v.t., to remember constantly. 5. 軫惜 [zhen3xi2], v.t., to feel compassionate toward. 6. 軫恤 [zhen3xU4], v.t., ditto.