释义 |
屯屯 | 32A10 10.70 | 部居
 | 畫數 4 | ㄊㄨㄣˊ [tun2] (*ㄓㄨㄣ [zhun1] , *ㄔㄨㄣˊ [chun2] ). | N. | (1) ([tun2zi0], [tun2er0]) A small hamlet. (2) (*[chun2]) Anc. place name.
| V.t. | (1) To hoard, stock up for sale:屯貨 stock up goods; 屯糧(mil.) stock up food supplies; gather, accumulate,屯聚,屯積 [tun2jU4],[tun2ji1]↓. (2) To station soldiers at place for defense:屯兵.
| Adj. | (*[zhun1]) (In AC compp. only) 屯剝 ([tun2bo1]), 屯否 ([tun2pi3]), 屯難 ([zhun1nan4]), 屯質 ([tun2zhi4]), 屯坎 ([tun2kan3]),all meaning encountering hard knocks in life, buffeted.
| Words | 1. 屯堡 [tun2bao3], n., military outpost. 2. 屯積 [tun2ji1], v.t., to store up (gold, goods, food supplies). 3. 屯聚 [tun2jU4], v.i.(of people) flock together, form a crowd (at a place). 4. 屯墾 [tun2ken3], v.i., open up frontier land. 5. 屯糧 [tun2liang2], v.i. & n., store(d) up food supplies (chiefly rice); sometimes farm tax on colonizing farmers. 6. 屯田 [tun2tian2], v.i. & n., to station soldiers on borders, making them raise their own food.