

字词 大肆
释义 大肆
 dà sì
 without restraint; wantonly; violently; recklessly:
  大肆鼓吹 noisily advocate;
  大肆叫嚣 set up a great clamor about; allege vociferously;
  大肆蹂躏 trample on;
  大肆污蔑 slander violently; slander indiscriminately;
  大肆嘲弄 pour ridicule on;
  大肆吹捧 extol ... the sky;
  大肆吹嘘 advertise feverishly;
  大肆泛滥 run rampant;
  大肆攻击 wantonly to attack; lash out at ...; launch an unbridled or all-out attack on (against);
  大肆活动 bustle around;
  大肆挥霍 be flush with (one's) money




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