

字词 地质
释义 地质
 dì zhì
 (地壳的成分和结构) geology
 地质背景 geologic setting;
 地质博物馆 geological museum;
 地质层位 geologic horizon;
 地质储量 oil in place;
 地质锤 geologic hammer;
 地质大区 geologic province;
 地质代 geologic age;
 地质地貌冰川学 geomorphic glaciology;
 地质调查 geologic(al) survey;
 地质调查空白区 vacancy of geologic survey;
 地质调查所 Geologic Survey;
 地质调查相片 geophoto;
 地质动力学 geodynamics;
 地质动态模拟 geologic dynamic simulation;
 地质发展史 geologic history;
 地质工作者 geologist;
 地质构造 geologic(al) structure;
 地质观察路线 traverse of geologic observation;
 地质海洋学 geological oceanography; marine (submarine) geology;
 地质技术学 geotechnics;
 地质解释 geologic interpretation;
 地质景观 geologic feature;
 地质静态模拟 geologic static simulation;
 地质勘探 geologic(al) prospecting;
 地质勘探队 geologic(al) prospecting party (team);
 地质勘探费 allocations for geological prospecting;
 地质勘探企业 geological prospecting enterprises;
 地质科学 geological sciences;
 地质力学 geomechanics;
 地质略图 geologic scheme;
 地质年代 geologic age (time);
 地质年代表 geologic time scale;
 地质年代学 geochronology; geologic chronology;
 地质剖面 geologic section; section;
 地质剖面图 log sheet;
 地质侵蚀 geologic erosion;
 地质区 geological province;
 地质时代 geologic age (period);
 地质史 geologic history;
 地质土壤学 geopedology;
 地质图 geologic map;
 地质遥感 geologic remote sensing;
 地质印痕 geoglyphic;
 地质营力 geologic agent;
 地质柱状图 geologic column;
 地质作用 geologic process




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