

字词 地面
释义 地面
 dì miàn
 (地的表面) the earth's surface; ground:
  低于地面 beneath ground level
  {建} (建筑内铺筑的一层东西) ground; floor:
  水磨石地面 terrazzo floor
 (地区) region; area; territory:
  这一带属辽宁地面。 This region is within the Province of Liaoning.
 地面保障设备 {航空} ground handling (support) equipment (GSE);
 地面标高 ground elevation (table);
 地面波 surface wave; ground ray;
 地面部队 ground forces;
 地面材料 flooring;
 地面草图 ground sketch;
 地面操纵器 surface box;
 地面测绘雷达 ground-imaging radar;
 地面测量 ground survey;
 地面层 ground floor;
 地面车辆地雷撒布器 ground vehicle mine dispenser;
 地面沉降 setting of the ground; surface subsidence;
 地面冲采 {矿} ground sluicing;
 地面冲断层 surface thrust;
 地面储罐 above-ground storage tank;
 地面处理设备 ground processing equipment;
 地面传输 ground-to-ground transmission;
 地面导弹 ground missile;
 地面导航 area navigation;
 地面导航设备 {航空} ground-based navigation aid;
 地面导航站 aeronautical ground radio station;
 地面导引着陆系统 land navigation landing system;
 地面敌我识别设备 ground based IFF equipment;
 地面电波 {地物} ground (surface) wave;
 地面电台 land station;
 地面电源 ground power supply;
 地面电阻 earth resistance;
 地面定向机 grounded direction finder;
 地面发射 land launching;
 地面发生器 ground generator;
 地面翻(矿)车装置 giraffe;
 地面反射 {讯} ground return (reflection);
 地面反射波 ground-reflected (earth-reflected) wave;
 地面反射波图形 ground-echo pattern;
 地面反射误差 ground reflection error;
 地面返回 {讯} ground return;
 地面仿形装置 ground-contour-following device;
 地面防空管制 ground antiaircraft control;
 地面分辨率 ground resolution;
 地面风向仪 ground wind indicator;
 地面风载试验 wind load test;
 地面覆盖 ground coverage;
 地面辐射 {地物} terrestrial (surface) radiation; earth radiation; eradiation;
 地面辐射强度计 Pyrgeometer;
 地面辐射仪 ground radiometer;
 地面感应器 wayside inductor;
 地面高度 ground level;
 地面跟踪 ground track;
 地面工人 surfaceman;
 地面攻击火箭 ground attack rocket;
 地面共振 {航空} ground resonance;
 地面固定无线电台 fixed station;
 地面观测 ground observation;
 地面灌溉 surface irrigation;
 地面光 ground light;
 地面光学接收器 ground-based optical receiver;
 地面回波 ground echo;
 地面回波镜像 ground echo image;
 地面基准导航数据 {航海} ground-referenced navigation data;
 地面集材索道 ground skidding ropeway;
 地面计算机 ground-based computer;
 地面监视雷达 {工} ground surveillance radar;
 地面降落指挥 ground control of landing;
 地面交通控制 ground-based traffic control;
 地面镜像雷达 ground-imaging radar;
 地面径迹 ground track;
 地面径流 surface runoff;
 地面距离 {航海} ground distance (range);
 地面空气污染浓度 ground-level concentration of air pollution;
 地面空中点火转换电门 ground air ignition changeover switch;
 地面控制 {土} ground control;
 地面控制点 ground control point;
 地面控制截击雷达 ground-controlled interception radar;
 地面控制进场 ground-controlled approach;
 地面控制进场雷达 ground-controlled approach radar;
 地面控制进场(着陆)系统 ground-controlled approach system (GCA);
 地面控制拦截 ground-controlled interception;
 地面控制临场门电路 ground control approach (GCA) gate;
 地面控制系统 ground control system;
 地面雷达 ground(-based) radar;
 地面立体测图仪 Terragraph;
 地面立体摄影测量 ground stereophotogrammetric survey;
 地面连接网 terrestrial connecting networks;
 地面临场雷达 GCA radar;
 地面零点 hypocentre; hypocentrum; ground zero;
 地面目标 ground target;
 地面目标探测 ground object detection;
 地面能见度 control-tower visibility; ground (surface) visibility;
 地面逆温 ground (surface) inversion;
 地面排放 ground release;
 地面排水 land (surface) drainage;
 地面排水沟 land (area) drain;
 地面炮 terrestrial gun;
 地面炮兵 ground artillery;
 地面炮兵火箭弹 field-artillery rocket;
 地面炮位侦察校射雷达 radar for surveillance of field artillery position and gunfire registration;
 地面旗杆 flagpole;
 地面起伏 surface relief;
 地面气温 surface air temperature;
 地面勤务车 ground-support vehicle;
 地面倾斜度计 tiltmeter;
 地面情报接收站 terrestrial reception points;
 地面取水 surface water intaking;
 地面绕射 earth's surface diffraction;
 地面人员 groundling;
 地面三角测量 ground triangulation;
 地面闪烁 terrestrial scintillation;
 地面上空 hemisphere;
 地面摄影测量 terrestrial photogrammetric survey;
 地面射线 ground ray;
 地面摄影测量术 geophotogrammetry;
 地面设备 ground gear; ground installation; ground-based device; ground facilities;
 地面设施 {军} ground environment;
 地面实相 ground truth;
 地面试车台 ground test stand;
 地面试验 ground experiment; ground test;
 地面数据设备 {工} ground data equipment;
 地面水 surface water;
 地面松鼠 Geosciurrus;
 地面索道 ground ropeway;
 地面天气观测 surface weather observation;
 地面天气形势预报图 {气} prebaratic chart;
 地面天文(学) ground based astronomy;
 地面天线 ground-plane antenna;
 地面天线罩 ground radome;
 地面突起 earth bulge;
 地面图像解释 ground image interpretation;
 地面望远镜 ground-based telescope;
 地面微波系统 terrestrial microwave system;
 地面卫星站 ground satel-lite station;
 地面位置 ground location;
 地面位置指示器 {航空} ground-position indicator;
 地面圬工层 ground course;
 地面无线电测向仪 ground station ratio direction finder;
 地面下沉 land subsidence; subsidence of ground;
 地面显示 surface indications;
 地面相 surface phase;
 地面效应机 ground effect machine;
 地面效应气垫 ground cushion;
 地面信号机柱 ground mast;
 地面形变 ground deformation;
 地面学 areography;
 地面压力 {地物} geostatic (ground; lithostatic; rock) pressure;
 地面压力传感器 ground-pressure pick-up;
 地面遥测站 ground telemetering station;
 地面遥测装置 ground telemetering equipment;
 地面移动电台 land mobile station;
 地面移动通信业务 land mobile service;
 地面圆仓 silo;
 地面远程搜索站 long-range ground-search station;
 地面运货车 floor truck;
 地面运输无线电业务 {讯} land transportation radio services;
 地面杂波 ground clutter;
 地面噪声 ground noise;
 地面侦察 ground reconnaissance;
 地面植被 ground vegetation;
 地面重力值 surface gravity value;
 地面砖 {建} floor tile;
 地面转接站 earth station;
 地面状态 state of the ground;
 地面资源卫星 {航空} earth resources satellite;
 地面子午线 terrestrial meridian




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