

字词 制造
释义 制造
 zhì zào
 (对原材料进行加工) make; manufacture; produce:
  制造车床 produce lathes;
  制造机器 make machines;
  中国制造 made in China;
  这家工厂制造鞋子。 This factory manufactures shoes.
  这设备是我们自己制造的。 The equipment is of our own manufacture.
 (人为造成的气氛或局面等) engineer; create; fabricate; fabrication; manufactory:
  制造重重障碍 raise one obstacle after another;
  制造动乱 create disturbances;
  制造分裂 foment splits;
  制造假象 put up a false front;
  制造紧张局势 create tension;
  制造纠纷 create trouble; sow dissension;
  制造流血事件 provoke bloodshed;
  制造内乱 stir up internal strife;
  制造事端 provoke incidents;
  制造麻烦 grease the stairs; trouble making;
  制造伪证 fabrication of false evidence;
  制造谣言 fabricate rumours;
  制造舆论 mould public opinion
 制造边际 manufacturing margin;
 制造标准 manufacturer's standard;
 制造标准手册 manufacturing standards manual;
 制造成本 cost of manufacture; factory cost;
 制造成本表 manufacturing statement;
 制造尺寸 manufacturing dimension;
 制造锻铁用灰口铁 grey forge pig;
 制造法 autofrettage;
 制造费 manufacturing expense;
 制造费用 fabricating cost;
 制造费用标准 manufacturing expenses standard;
 制造费用单 {会计} standing orders;
 制造费用分类账 manufacturing expense ledger;
 制造工厂 manufacturing works;
 制造工程(学) manufacturing engineering;
 制造工程师 manufacturing engineer;
 制造工序 manufacturing process;
 制造工业 manufacturing industry; process industries;
 制造工艺 manufacturing engineering;
 制造公差 manufacturing tolerance;
 制造过程 course of manufacture; process of manufacture; manufacturing process;
 制造过程中检验 in-process inspection;
 制造进度表 time schedule chart;
 制造精度 accuracy of manufacture; accuracy of manufacturing;
 制造会计 manufacturing accounting;
 制造量规 {工} manufacturing gauge;
 制造模型 mode(l)ling;
 制造能力 manufacturing capability;
 制造式样 make;
 制造统计 manufacturing statistics;
 制造伪币者 false coiner;
 制造信用 manufacturing credit;
 制造形式 version; layout; type;
 制造许可证 manufacturing licence;
 制造样品 preparation of specimen;
 制造者 fabricant; artificer; former; smith; maker; manufacturer;
 制造增殖 value added by manufacture;
 制造周期 manufacturing cycle;
 制造装配图 manufacturing assembly drawing;
 制造装置 manufacturing installation




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