

字词 模糊
释义 模糊
 mó hu
 (不清楚) dim; vague; indistinct; obscure; fuzzy; blurred:
  模糊的景象 a hazy scene; obscure view;
  模糊的印象 vague impression;
  童年时代的模糊记忆 dim memories of one's childhood;
  认识模糊 have but a hazy understanding;
  声音模糊 have an obscure sound;
  雾使景色模糊。 Mists blurred the views.
  她泪眼模糊。 Her eyes blurred with tears.
 (混淆) blur; obscure; confuse; mix up:
  模糊二者的界限 confuse the distinction between the two;
  我对这意义还很模糊。 The meaning is still obscure to me.
  {数} fuzzy
 模糊变量 fuzzy variable;
 模糊测度 fuzzy measure;
 模糊测度空间 fuzzy measure space;
 模糊代数 fuzzy algebra;
 模糊点 litura; blob; fuzzy point;
 模糊度fuzziness;fuzzy degree;
 模糊对策fuzzy game;
 模糊概率fuzzy probability;
 模糊格 fuzzy lattice;
 模糊关系 fuzzy relation;
 模糊关系方程 fuzzy relation equation;
 模糊规化论 fuzzy programming theory;
 模糊函数 ambiguity function; fuzzy function;
 模糊化 obfuscation;
 模糊环 fuzzy ring;
 模糊环境fuzzy environment;
 模糊积分fuzzy integral;
 模糊集fuzzy set;
 模糊集合fuzzy set;
 模糊集论 fuzzy set theory;
 模糊紧性 fuzzy compactness;
 模糊经济学 fuzzy economics;
 模糊矩阵 fuzzy matrice;
 模糊聚类分析 fuzzy cluster analysis;
 模糊决策 fuzzy decision;
 模糊可测空间 fuzzy measurable space;
 模糊空间 fuzzy space;
 模糊控制论 fuzzy control theory;
 模糊控制器 fuzzy controller;
 模糊理想 fuzzy ideal;
 模糊逻辑 fuzzy logic;
 模糊逻辑控制 fuzzy logic control;
 模糊模式识别 fuzzy pattern recognition;
 模糊模型 fuzzy model;
 模糊目标 fuzzy object;
 模糊区 confusion region;
 模糊圈 circle of confusion; blur circle;
 模糊群 fuzzy group;
 模糊事件 fuzzy event;
 模糊树 fuzzy tree;
 模糊数 fuzzy number;
 模糊数学 fuzzy mathematics;
 模糊数学规划 fuzzy mathematical programming;
 模糊数学基础 fuzzy foundation of mathematics;
 模糊算法 fuzzy algorithmic approach;
 模糊算子 fuzzy operator;
 模糊贴近度 fuzzy nearness;
 模糊统计fuzzy statistics;
 模糊凸性fuzzy convexity;
 模糊图fuzzy graph;
 模糊图论fuzzy graph theory;
 模糊图像 blurred picture; blurred image; hazy image; angel (雷达屏上的);
 模糊推断 fuzzy inference;
 模糊拓扑空间 fuzzy topological space;
 模糊微分 fuzzy differential calculus;
 模糊误差 ambiguity error;
 模糊系统 fuzzy system;
 模糊现象 {电子} blooming;
 模糊线性规划 fuzzy linear programming;
 模糊效应 blurring effect;
 模糊信息 fuzzy information; fuzzy message;
 模糊信息处理 fuzzy information processing;
 模糊性 fuzziness;
 模糊因数 {工声} blur factor;
 模糊音键(电子器件) fuzz tone; fuzz box;
 模糊映射 fuzzy mapping;
 模糊约束 fuzzy constraint;
 模糊蕴涵fuzzy implication;
 模糊子集fuzzy subset;
 模糊子群 fuzzy subgroup;
 模糊子图 fuzzy subgraph;
 模糊自动机 fuzzy automata;
 模糊综合评论 fuzzy comprehensive evaluation




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