

 (蛮横; 凶暴) harsh and unreasonable; perverse:
  发横 act in an unreasonable way;
  横蛮 harsh and unreasonable; violent
 (不吉利的; 意外的) unexpected另见 héng。
 (跟地面平行的;跟物体的长的一边垂直的) horizontal; transverse:
  横梁 transverse beam; crossbeam;
  人行横道 (pedestrians') street crossing; zebra crossing;
  纵横 vertical and horizontal
 (左右向的或地理上东西向的) across; sideways:
  横渡太平洋的飞行 a trans-Pacific flight;
  横过街道 across the street;
  横写 write words sideways
 (纵横交错; 杂乱) unrestrainedly; turbulently:
  江河横溢 turbulent waters overflowing their banks;
  老泪横流 tears flowing from aged eyes
 (蛮横; 凶恶) violently; fiercely; flagrantly:
  横加阻挠 wilfully obstruct
 (使物体成横向) move crosswise; traverse:
  这条铁路横贯全国。 The railway traverses The country.
 (汉字由左向右平着写的笔画, 形状是“—”) horizontal stroke (in Chinese characters)
 (姓氏) a surname:
  横革 Heng Ge
 另见 hèng。




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