

释义 1huā
1.({huār})种子植物的有性繁殖器官。花由花瓣、花萼、花托、花蕊组成,有各种颜色,有的长得很艳丽,有香味{flower; shoot of the sporophyte of a seed plant modified for reproduction, having petals, calyces, thalami, and stamens or pistils, some featuring splendid colours and emitting fragrance}:
一朵ㄦ。{a flower}
2.({huār})可供观赏的植物{plant cultivated for ornamentation}:
{flowers and trees}|盆ㄦ{flowerpot}|ㄦ匠{gardener}|ㄦ。{grow flowers}
3.({huār})形状像花朵的东西{anything resembling a flower}:
4.烟火的一种,以黑色火药加别种化学物质制成,在夜间燃放,能喷出许多火花,供人观赏{firework, container filled with black powder and other explosive or flammable substances, for producing a dazzling display of sparks at night}:
{firework and firecrackers}|{firework display held at celebrations}|{let off firework}
5.({huār})花纹{design; decorative pattern}:
白地蓝{blue flowers on a white background}|这被面ㄦ太密。{The design on this quilt cover is too busy.}
6.用花或花纹装饰的{coloured; flower-decorated}:
{wreath}|{floral basket}|{festive lantern}|{festooned vehicle}|布。{print}
7.颜色或种类错杂的{multicoloured; coloured; variegated}:
{grizzled}|{spotted kitty}|绿绿。{showy; gaudy}
8.(眼睛)模糊迷乱{(of eyes) blurred; dim}:
{have blurred vision}|{dim-sighted}
9.衣服磨损或要破没破的样子{(of clothes) worn and torn but not yet worn-out}:
袖子都磨了。{The sleeves are threadbare.}
10.用来迷惑人的;不真实或不真诚的{attractive but unreal or insincere}:
招ㄦ{trick; ruse}|{padded accounts}|言巧语。{sweet words; alluring speech}
11.〈比喻fig.事业的精华{cream; essence}:
文艺之{cream of literature and art}|革命之{essence of revolution}
12.〈比喻fig.年轻漂亮的女子{pretty young woman}:
{school beauty}|交际{social butterfly}
13.指妓女或跟妓女有关的{used metaphorically for courtesans or prostitutes}:
{the most popular courtesan}|街柳巷{red-light district}|问柳。{frequent houses of ill fame (or prostitution)}
{gin cotton}|{fluff cotton}|纱布。{cotton gauze}
15.({huār})指某些小的颗粒、块、滴等{small grains, pieces, or drops}:
{teardrops}|{oil slicks}|{chopped green onion}
{smallpox}|{pox vaccination}|出过ㄦ。{already had smallpox}
挂了两次{have been wounded twice in action}
19.(Huā)姓。{a surname}




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