字词 | 紧 |
释义 | 绳子拉得很~{The rope is pulled taut.}|鼓面绷得非常~。{The surface of the drum has been stretched extremely tight.} 捏~笔杆{hold a pen tight in one's hand}|把螺丝钉往~里拧一拧{tighten the screw}◇眼睛~盯住他{stare hard at him}|~记着别忘了。{Make sure to remember.} ~了一下腰带{tightened one's belt}|~一~弦{tighten the string}|~一~螺丝钉。{tighten the screw} 抽屉~,拉不开{The drawer is too tight to open.}|这双鞋太~,穿着不舒服{The shoes are too tight and uncomfortable to wear.}|他住在我的~隔壁{He lives next door to me.}◇全国人民团结~。{The whole nation is closely united.} ~催{press sb. to do sth.}|一个胜利~接着一个胜利{One victory followed another in quick succession.}|他~赶了几步,追上老张{He quickened his pace and caught up with Lao Zhang.}|风刮得~,雨下得急{The wind is blowing hard, and it is raining heavily.}|任务很~{The task is urgent.}|抓~时间。{Hurry up.} 这个月用项多一些,手头显得~一点。{I spent quite a lot this month, so I am a bit short of money.} |
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