

释义 jià
1.(-子 -zi、-儿 -r)用做支承的东西 frame, shelf, etc. (framework for holding things):书~ shūjià bookshelf/ 葡萄~ pútaojià grape trellis/ 笔~儿 bǐjiàr pen rack; pen holder/ 房~子 fángjiàzi the frame of a house/ 车~子 chējiàzi frame of a car, bicycle, etc. [担架 dān-]医院或军队中抬送病人、伤员的用具 stretcher, framework of poles, canvas, etc., for carrying a sick, injured, or wounded person
2.支承 support 1.支,搭起 put up; erect:把枪~住 bǎ qiāng jiàzhu mount a gun/ ~桥 jià qiáo put up (or build) a bridge 2.搀扶 support; help:他受伤了,~着他走 Tā shòushāng le, jiàzhe tā zǒu. He is wounded. Help him to walk. [架不住 -buzhù]禁(jīn)不住 cannot sustain (the weight); cannot stand (the pressure)
3.互相殴打或争吵的事 fight; quarrel:打了一~ dǎle yī jià have a fight; come to blows/ 劝~ quànjià try to reconcile parties to a quarrelor to stop people from fighting; mediate
4.量词,多用于有机械或有支柱的东西 meas. usu. for things with machinery or on a tripod or a stand:五~飞机 wǔ jià fēijī five planes/ 一~机器 yī jià jīqì one machine/ 一~葡萄 yī jià pútɑo a trellis of grapes [架次 -cì]量词,一架飞机出动或出现一次叫一架次。如飞机出现三次,第一次五架,第二次十架,第三次十五架,共三十架次 meas. sortie, flight made by one aircraft. Eg. suppose the planes appeared three times. During the first time, there were five planes, the second time, ten, and the third time, fifteen. Then there were altogether thirty sorties.




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