

释义 (**揜)yǎn
1.遮蔽,遮盖 cover; hide ( comb. -盖 -gài、遮- zhē-):~鼻 yǎn bí hold one's nose/ 不~饰自己的错误 bù yǎnshì zìjǐ de cuòwù not cover one's mistakes [掩护 -hù]1.用炮火等压住敌方火力,或利用自然条件的掩蔽,以便进行军事上的活动 neutralize enemy fire by massive bombardment or take the advantage of natural conditions for covering in a military action 2.采取某种方式暗中保护 take measures for secret protection
2.关,合 shut; close:把门~上 bǎ mén yǎnshɑng close the door/ ~卷 yǎn juàn close a book
3.门窗箱柜等关闭时夹住东西 get squeezed (or pinched) while shutting a door, a window or a case:关门~住手了 guān mén yǎnzhù shǒu le get one's fingers caught in the door
4.乘其不备(进行袭击) catch sb. unprepared (attack by surprise):~杀 yǎnshā make a surprise attack/ ~取 yǎnqǔ capture by surprise




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